Page 26 of Babe's Bounty
“Okay, so any idea on where they took the girls?”
“No. I checked the traffic cams, but lost them in a residential neighborhood.”
“Yeah. I have a program running to see if I can find any homes owned by Jordan. I’m checking his name, the name of his churches, and LLCs. Hoping to get a hit. However, the residential area is massive. It will take some time. But I’m also watching the cameras you put up.” He points at his screen, so I move behind him to see what he’s seeing.
The abandoned church is no longer abandoned. Crime scene technicians are processing rooms while police officers search through each building and the grounds. Police tape and uniformed officers keep the spectators outside the gates. I spot the two officers who questioned me at the hospital, Spalding and Wilson, and point them out to Mode. He, like me, snickers at their names.
“Do you recognize the third guy?” Mode asks.
Spalding and Wilson are talking to a man wearing a dark blue suit. He has blonde hair, that’s cut short. He shifts his jacket to the side to place his hands on his hips. A gold badge sparkles in the sunlight.
“Probably a detective,” I reason.
Wilson takes out his notebook and holds it open for the detective to view. The detective takes out his phone. Once he’s finished, he lifts the phone to his ear just as my phone rings. Mode and I laugh as I pull out my phone to check the display. I don’t recognize the number, but the call is local, so I answer.
“Min Yan?” I hear a man ask.
“Yes, this is Min. Who is this?”
“I’m Detective Mark Schultz with the Whiting Police Department. I’m currently at the church where you said you found Ms. Branch and the other victim. Would you and your partner be willing to meet with me at the station to answer some questions?”
“My partner?” I respond, watching the man on the screen as he speaks to me.
“Scott Beams, goes by the name of Babe. He’s an Enforcer with the Demon Dawgs, correct? You two are partners in the DDMC Bond Agency?”
I can see him smirk on the camera, which irks me. So the detective did his homework. “We can come by later this afternoon.”
“Sounds good. See you then, Ms. Yan.”
I want to say something to knock the smug look off his face, but I don’t want him to know that we have cameras set up.
Hanging up the phone, I share a look with Mode.
“He knows who I am, and he knows about Babe. Think we should call a lawyer?”
Mode shrugs. “I don’t know. Let’s go discuss it with Chrome.”
I follow Mode into the common room to find that the place has filled up with bikers.
“I’ll go find Chrome,” Mode says, leaving me to push my way through the growing crowd.
I reach the bar and take a seat. Sammy sees me and comes over to take my order. “Beer?”
I shake my head. “Mineral water and a lime.” I need to keep my wits for my meeting with the detective.
When Sammy slides the drink in front of me, I lift it to take a sip, but sputter when a hand caresses my ass. Turning, I find a stranger behind me. His kutte has the name ‘Trigger.’ He’s leaning to the side, still looking at my ass before his eyes shift to my chest. When he reaches for my breast, I grab his thumb and bend it all the way backwards. He grunts as his knees drop to the ground. I slide off the stool and apply more pressure as I lean in so I can look into his eyes. I want to make sure he’s paying attention.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” I tell him. The crowd gives us a wide berth. When I hear angry mutterings from the men, I shift so my back is to the bar. After taking a quick look around, I return my focus to Trigger. He’s grasping my hand as I apply more pressure. He scrambles to get purchase, but the pain keeps him from getting it. “I’ll let you go, but you stay away from me. Nod if you understand.”
When he rapidly nods his head, I release him. He scrambles away from me, but then jumps to his feet and lunges toward me, drawing back his fist.
Decades of training have me ready to counter his attack.
“Trigger!” Chrome shouts as he pushes his way through the sea of leather. Babe is on his heels along with Mode and Bush.
“She fucking attacked me!” Trigger shouts at Chrome. “I’m teaching her a lesson.”