Page 46 of Babe's Bounty
“Keep me posted. Remember, we need Billings and Blankenship alive.”
I nod in agreement, even though it goes against everything I believe in as a member of the Demon Dawgs. Images of Blankenship and Billings strung up in the Shed appeals to the vigilante in me. But I’d be an idiot to take them out right now. Plenty of time to get to them once we’re back in San Diego.
I awake with a rising sense of urgency begging me to shake off the fog, but the rolling movement of the vehicle lulls me back to sleep. Voices pull me out of slumber and infuse my system with panic. I’m in a car, but not alone. I also can’t seem to move. Fear pokes at me, but the fog won’t release me from its grip. So, I slip back into its embrace.
A sharp pain in my right shoulder brings me fully awake. I’m lying on my right side, but when I try to roll over, I can’t. Both my arms are behind my back, and since I can’t pull them apart, I know they’re tied. My right arm is numb. Bending my body, I slide my arms under my legs and bring them to the front. I’m relieved to see that whoever tied me up used zip ties. I can break free of these easily. When I can’t find the knife I usually keep sheathed on my belt, I remember the fight in the hospital. I must have dropped it. However, that’s not the only knife I carry. Sliding my fingers into my boots, I find my spare and saw through the bindings. Now to show my kidnappers the error of their ways. They shouldn’t have left me armed.
Once I’m free, I press my ear to the door. Through it, I can hear two men arguing but at a distance. I recognize Blankenship’s voice, but I don’t know the other. Although, I expect it belongs to Billings. However, there is also the possibility that Billings and Blankenship aren’t the only ones here. I don’t dare make a move until I know what I’m up against. Blankenship and Billings got the best of me. I would have no chance if there are more than them here. While I no longer have my phone, I have my Apple Watch, so I send out an SOS.
Someone jiggles the handle of the door, so I plaster myself to the wall behind it. With my knife at the ready, I wait. The mattress where they dropped me is in a dark corner. I left the thin blanket bundled in the center. Billings must think it’s me, because he’s halfway in the room before he realizes his mistake. I go in for the kill before he can swing in my direction. The original plan was to bring Blankenship and Billings back to San Diego alive. But I can’t afford him getting the upper hand, again. Stabbing the knife into his neck, I watch in satisfaction as the life ebbs out of him. Pulling out the knife, I clean it on his shirt before hauling him to the mattress. Searching his pockets, I triumphantly hold up a set of car keys. I drape the blanket over him before creeping silently through the door.
Finding myself in a long hallway with four doors on each side, I’m reminded of the church basement. Jessica is behind one of these doors. I know it. But are there more girls? My gut says yes. I don’t think we’re in a basement, even though the room I was in lacked windows. The air doesn’t feel as stuffy. We’re in a commercial building. At least that’s my assumption based on the Exit sign at the end of the hallway. Standing perfectly still, I rely on my sense of hearing to provide me with information. But all I hear is silence. No more voices. So maybe Blankenship and Billings were the only two in the building. With Billings dead, that just leaves Blankenship. He may have gotten the drop on me at the hospital, but he won’t survive our next encounter. I consider going for him first, but I can’t make myself bypass the doors without checking them. Not after leaving so many behind at the church.
I try the first door and find it locked. I use the keys I took off from Billings, pleased when the door unlocks. However, that pleasure fades fast when I hear the whimper coming from inside the room. The room has the same setup as the one I woke up in. A mattress tossed into the corner. The whimpers coming from the figure lying on the mattress break my heart.
“It’s okay, I’m not here to hurt you, I’m here to help you,” I tell her, keeping my voice soft and my hands raised. “My name is Min. What’s yours?” She doesn’t answer, but continues to whimper and cower as I cut off her bindings. She clings to me as I help her out to the hall. I have to detach her from me and lean her against the wall as I open the door across from hers.
Inside this room, I find another a young woman, but this one is an attack position. Not only has she freed herself from her the zip ties, but she’s crouched with her palms angled to deliver a mighty punch. Color me impressed. “Who are you?” she demands.
“My name is Min and I’m helping you escape,” I explain. “Who are you?”
“Thea Washington. How do I know you’re not with them?”
Pulling out my wallet, I show her my badge. “I’m a bounty hunter. I’m after two of the assholes who are part of this gang. Although, now I’m just after one. Dr. Blankenship. I already killed the other.” I nod at the door. “Stabbed him in the throat.”
“Damn, wish I could have seen that,” she says. “Got any more weapons on you?”
Smirking, I lead her into the hallway and gesture toward the still cowering girl. Thea wraps her arm around her and helps her move to the next door. By the time I’ve reached the last door, I have four girls in my wake, but Jessica isn’t one of them. Opening the last door, I breathe a sigh of relief when I see her. She, like Thea before her, crouches in an attack mode. She squeals with joy when she sees me.
“I knew you’d free yourself and come for me. For us,” she says when she sees the women behind me. We’re all crowded inside the room. Thea shuts the door to keep our voices from reaching enemy ears.
“I need to get you all out of here. I sent out an SOS with my watch, but I don’t know how quickly they’ll respond. Or if anyone will respond. There’s an exit sign at the end of the hall. I’m going to check it out. Everyone stay in here. The door may be wired to an alarm. If you hear it go off, don’t come out of this room. I’ll handle anyone who comes.”
I make eye contact with each girl before opening the door and checking the hall. Not seeing or hearing anyone, I fast walk to the exit. Seeing nothing to show the door will set off an alarm, I push it open. Silence greets me. The building we’re in sits in the middle of a poorly lit parking lot. We seem to be in an abandoned business park. I see no signs of life nearby. I need to get these girls to safety, but where do we find safety this far away from help?
Parked near the door is a newer model SUV. The make matches the logo on the keychain I lifted off Billings. We have our escape plan, so I return to the girls.
“I’ve found us transportation. Let’s move quickly. Thea, take the keys and take the lead with Jessica. I’ll bring up the rear. We need to stay quiet. Don’t slam the doors or start the car until we’re all inside.” Thea nods before taking the keys.
We’re close to escaping when everything goes to shit.
I expect the girls to rush outside, so when they don’t, I move up to see what’s happening. The parking lot is no longer empty. While I was inside, another SUV arrived carrying three men. I recognize the man in the passenger’s seat. Unfortunately, he recognizes me, too. Pulling the girls back inside. I slam the door shut and lock it. The lock won’t keep them out. I don’t know how many entrances there are to this place. We’re trapped.
A crash against the door has several of the girls screaming. The sound of running footsteps tells me we’ve garnered Blankenship’s attention. I push the girls into the nearest room, but Thea and Jessica refuse. They stand behind me, ready to help fight. I don’t have time to argue.
Blankenship slides to a stop when he sees the three of us. His eyes widen when he sees the knife in my hand. Dashing down the hall, I slam the knife in his chest just as the rear door bursts open. Yanking the knife out, I turn in time to see Jessica slumped against the wall, her hand against her cheek. The asshole who hit her has his meaty palm wrapped around her bicep. Thea is fighting off a man much larger than her. It doesn’t take him long to subdue her. He has an elbow around her neck, his other hand holding her head. One move and he’ll break her neck.
“Drop the knife, or she dies,” Fenhua says with a slow drawl. He’s acting bored with the situation, but I know better. The hatred in his eyes is laser-focused on me.
“Let them go,” I seethe at Fenhua.
“You’re in no position to make demands,” he snaps back.
“Hiding behind women? Why am I not surprised?” I taunt him. One thing I remember most about Fenhua as a young man is he fears failure. When he grabbed me all those years ago, he wasn’t alone. He had help. He’ll hide behind the goons he brought. Use them to control me. Not taking my eyes off Fenhua, I move toward him. All three men are watching me. Which means they aren’t watching Thea and Jessica.
The two girls move as if they coordinated their attack. Thea jabs the keys back into the right eye of the man holding her while Jessica knees her captor in the crotch. Breaking free, they rush down the hall to get behind me.