Page 51 of Babe's Bounty
“We’ll take him back to the clubhouse. Why?”
“He knows what happened in San Diego at Dante’s wedding. I told him. I’m pretty sure he was behind the kidnappings and murders of those who used to work at Chambers Medical Group. He was following their trail. Cicely is probably safe now. But I want a piece of my cousin,” I tell Babe. “Just one chance to kick his ass before you end him.”
“This asshole is your fucking cousin?” Scorch asks. “Families, huh?”
Babe grins at me. “I’ll see what I can do. In the meantime, try to buy us some time. Don’t give the cops an address. Just give a general description of the location.”
“Got it.”
“Is any of that blood yours?”
I glance down and wince. Shit. My jeans and shoes are clean, but my jacket has blood down the front and my hands are covered in it. Taking off my jacket, I hand it to Babe. “Take this. I’ll wash up.”
As I watch Min drive away with the girls, Scorch comes out with Fenhua slung over his shoulder. Trigger follows him and opens the door to the nearest SUV. Scorch dumps our prisoner into the back and slams the door shut.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“Called the prospects to bring a hauler for the bikes,” Scorch says. “Trigger and I will get this asshole back to the club and into The Shed. Want to get him out of here before the cops show up.”
“Good idea. Don’t kill him. Min wants a shot at him.”
“Why?” Trigger asks.
“The fucker is her cousin. He tried to get Ghost to kill her before they escaped from China and came here.”
“She’ll get her shot,” Scorch confirms.
They drive off and I go back inside to find Chrome. He’s standing outside a door, down a different hallway from where the girls were imprisoned. I move next to him and see a pile of weapons.
“Shit, were they preparing for war?”
“Maybe. Could have been selling them. There’s a stash of cocaine and fentanyl in the next room.” He nods down the hall to a door just as Piston steps out carrying a gas can. Where the hell did hi get a gas can? “They had a gas generator with a supply of gas. Handy.” Chrome answers my unasked question. “We’re taking the guns but burning the drugs. Found some money, too. We’re definitely taking that.”
I help the guys carry out the weapons and then load them into the crash van once it arrives.
“We’re good to go,” Rush says, joining us outside. He stuffs some cloth into the gas can, but leaves a large section hanging out. Once he lights the cloth, he tosses the gasoline can back inside the open door. As soon as the flames take hold, we take off.
We’ve only gone a handful of miles when Chrome raises his fist, instructing us to stop. We pull over and that’s when we see it. A black SUV stuck in a gully. The doors open and two bodies slumped on the ground. We can see the Demon Dawg logo on their backs. Chrome, Piston, Rush, and Stitch slide down the embankment first. The rest of us follow.
“Are they dead?”
“No, just unconscious,” Stitch replies.
They carry Scorch and Trigger back up the embankment while I check the SUV.
“Fenhua’s gone. Do you think he caused the crash to escape?” I ask Chrome, who is staring at the vehicle as if it’s supplying him answers.
“Don’t know. Doubt it. Your girl drugged him, right?”
“I think so. Saw her plunge a syringe into him. Don’t know what was in it. He looked knocked out.”
“Yeah, he did,” Chrome says nothing more, but leads the way back up the embankment and to our bikes. Stitch and the others are placing their unconscious brothers into the back of the crash van.
We manage to avoid the cops and get back to the clubhouse without further incident. Scorch and Trigger are awake and getting out of the van while we park. Scorch storms over to Chrome.
“We need to talk,” Scorch says.