Page 207 of Five Brothers
I head straight for her.
“Are you crazy?” she growls.
God, she’s cute in a ponytail.
“Turn off the alarm,” I bark.
She folds her arms over her chest, not moving.
I narrow my eyes as the shrill scream of the alarm cuts through my brain.
Goddammit …
A phone rings, and I dart my gaze to the wall where a landline phone is posted next to the alarm.
She stands there.
“Answer it,” I tell her.
They’ll send security if she doesn’t.
But she just tips her chin down, a challenge in her fucking beautiful eyes.
Son of a bitch.
“Krisjen …”
The phone rings four more times and then stops. She smiles to herself.
Twisting around, she punches a code into the alarm and the shrieking ceases. Spinning back toward me, she flexes her jaw. “It’s like a three-minute response time,” she says. “Better say what you gotta say quickly.”
“Who said I wanted to talk?”
She shakes her head at me.
In two seconds, I’m in front of her, taking her hips in my hands and getting down in her face.
She scowls up at me. “You’re not old enough for me.”
I kiss her, taking her face in my hands and moving over her lips, hungry to get lost in her again. I press into her as she groans into my mouth.
Where is her bedroom?
But she rips her mouth away. “I can’t be what keeps you alive.” She breathes out. “I can’t take care of you. I can’t even take care of myself.”
“I don’t want you to take care of me!” I growl, pulling her into me. “I don’t want you to make me soup and clean up after me and tell me what to eat and what not to drink! I don’t want you to do the things a mother does!” I hover over her lips, starving as I lowermy voice to a whisper. “I want you to do the things a girlfriend does.”
Her eyebrows pinch together, pained, but her gaze on my mouth is just as desperate. Hot and sweet and crazy.
But strong.
So strong.
I was made for her.
“Touch me.” I rest my forehead to hers. “And kiss me and come to bed in pretty things, or nothing, or my fucking sweatpants, for all I care, because God, you look good in them.” I trail my mouth up her cheek to her temple. “And smile at me when you’re happy, and yell at me when you’re mad, and ride with me on the back of my bike in the rain.” I come back to her eyes. “Drag me to dumb shit like plays and couples’ game nights and stick your tongue in my mouth whenever possible.”