Page 80 of Hard Rain Coming
“I ran away for a lot of reasons, Calvin. Protecting myself, my sanity, was part of it. But the big one, the one I kept secret from you guys, was that I was pregnant.”
She saw the moment her siblings processed her statement. The moment an awareness permeated the air.
“Oh, no. I had no idea,” Scarlett whispered, eyes full of tears.
“It’s okay, Scar. I’m not here to play the victim. And I’m not here to explain my reasons. Those belong to me and Dallas. And yes.” She saw the questions. “He’s her father. I have a daughter.” She glanced up at Dallas. “We have a daughter. She’s fifteen, and she’s beautiful, and she lives in Louisiana with a wonderful family. A family who have given her everything I could have wished for. Things that, back then, I wouldn’t have been able to.”
Silence followed her words, and for what seemed like forever, the Bridgestone siblings took in this new information. There were glances and shuffled feet, cleared throats and lowered eyes. And then Scarlett ran toward Vivian and hugged her as fiercely as her slim frame would allow.
“I’m so sorry you went through that alone. I wish I’d known.”
“It’s okay,” Vivian whispered.
“No,” Benton said roughly. “It’s not. But I guess dwelling on the past doesn’t help us now. It’s good knowing you felt okay sharing this.”
“We’re here for you,” Cal replied, his voice husky and low. “Whatever you need.”
Scarlett stepped away. “Have you met her?” She looked to Dallas. “Is that why you two were away?”
“Yes,” Dallas replied simply, his voice thick.
“She reminds me of Mom,” Vivian whispered. “So much. It’s hard for me sometimes, knowing she’s with another family, you know? But she’s so loved and happy, and I think now that I’m finally able to move forward, to live my life freely, that hurt will subside.”
Dallas slid his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned into him, welcoming the strength of his body.
“What now?” Benton asked, eyes moving from Vivian to Dallas. “Are you going back to Alaska?”
“No.” The answer came from Dallas, and she smiled at the possessive tone. “As of yesterday, the foreman’s cabin is up for grabs,” he said.
“Can I move in?” Ryland’s shoulders shot up as he looked at his brother questioningly.
“Why in hell would you want to move into the cabin?” Benton asked with a frown.
“Jesus, brother, he’s eighteen. Why do you think?” Cal chuckled.
“You’re moving in with Dallas.” Scarlett grabbed Vivian’s hands and squeezed. “Oh my God, that’s amazing. I never thought…” She stumbled over her words. “I just…Montana hasn’t been your home for years.”
“It’s always been home,” Vivian said. “I just had to fall back in love with it.”
“You mean with me,” Dallas said with a wicked grin.
“No.” She turned to him. “I don’t think I ever fell out of love with you. It just got buried beneath life stuff.” She reached for him, her heart suddenly lighter than it had ever felt, and she drew him in for a kiss that deepened until the world faded away and she was only aware of the man she was kissing, of the feel of his skin and the touch of his mouth.
“Why is Uncle Dallas kissing Auntie Viv?”
She broke away from Dallas, and they both turned as Nora walked in wearing a pink tutu, and at her feet was Lily, who wore one to match—though the dog didn’t look particularly happy about it.
Dallas knelt in front of the little girl. “Uncle Dal is going to make Auntie Viv his wife.”
The little girl’s eyes widened, and she jumped up and down. “You’re getting married?”
He glanced up at Vivian, and she just about melted into the floor. “If she’ll have me.”
“I’m your unicorn, remember?” she teased.
Nora frowned. “But unicorns aren’t real, silly.”
Dallas picked her up and grinned. “Sure, they are. If you believe.”