Page 36 of A Sister's Secret
Lisa stood over Oliver, her stance unwavering despite the tremble in her limbs. He groaned, attempting to rise, but she gently pushed him back. "Stay down, love. I've got this," she whispered, her gaze never leaving the reeling figure before them.
As the killer swayed, disoriented, Lisa's heart raced with a fusion of fear and triumph. She had defended their life together, their love—a love that was a fortress against the darkness, a warmth in the cold night. Oliver's eyes met hers, pride and gratitude shining even through the veil of his agony.
"Lisa…" he murmured, and she knew then that whatever came next, they would face it as they always had—together, their bond unbreakable.
Blood seeped from Oliver's side, a stark reminder of the sacrifice made just moments ago. But his determination did not wane; if anything, it became steelier. He pushed through the pain, rising to shaky feet with the resolve of a man who had known hardship and heartache but never defeat. Dazed by Lisa's defensive strike, the killer swayed like a tree in a storm, vulnerable to the final blow.
"Oliver, no!" Lisa's voice was a mix of caution and courage, but Oliver knew there was no turning back. With a swift movement, born from years of wrestling the elements at sea, he lunged forward, delivering a decisive punch that connected with the killer's jaw. The thud resonated throughout the cabin, a grim symphony to the end of their terror. The assailant crumpled to the floor, motionless.
"Is he—?" Lisa's question hung in the air, her eyes wide with concern.
"Unconscious," Oliver confirmed, his own breathing ragged.
Together, they moved quickly and efficiently, their motions synchronized by a shared life of overcoming obstacles. They found a rope in the corner of the room and bound the killer's hands securely. Only then did they allow themselves a moment to believe that it was over.
Lisa found her phone, her fingers dancing over the numbers as she dialed for help, her eyes refusing to focus. Her voice was steady as she spoke to the dispatcher, every word laced with the weight of survival.
"Help is on the way," she said to Oliver, reaching out to squeeze his arm, an intimate gesture that spoke volumes of the trust and love woven into their union. They turned to Travis, who sat handcuffed, his veteran’s eyes reflecting the night's chaos. Without a word, Oliver retrieved the keys from the unconscious killer's pocket and freed the retired cop. Travis nodded his thanks, his gaze lingering on the couple with a mixture of respect and sorrow for what they had endured.
"Are you two okay?" His voice was gruff but not without warmth.
"We're alive," Oliver replied, his tone containing layers of meaning. "Thanks to each other."
“Look up in the corner,” Travis said as Lisa turned the lights on again. They both did and spotted a small camera underneath the ceiling.
Travis smiled secretively. “I’ll bet you I got all of that. I think Coleman thought it wouldn’t work if he turned the light out, but it isn’t just any camera. It’s infrared. I guess my years in the force have made me quite paranoid. But how’s that for evidence?”
“Amazing,” Oliver said. “Simply amazing.”
As the adrenaline began to ebb, the full impact of their ordeal settled upon them like a heavy cloak. Oliver and Lisa found solace in each other's embrace, their bodies trembling not just from the exertion but from the flood of emotions that accompanied such a close brush with death. Grief for what had almost been lost mingled with relief that they had triumphed, their love a beacon that had guided them through the darkness.
They stood locked in each other's arms, hearts beating in unison against the backdrop of a battle-scarred room. The fight had taken its toll, yet in that quiet after the storm, there was an unspoken understanding that together, they were invincible. Oliver kissed the top of Lisa's head, a silent vow that echoed through the very walls of the cabin.
The sound of sirens cut through the stillness, piercing the thick tension that hung in the air. Seated on the rough wooden floor of the cabin, back against the wall, Lisa felt Oliver's hand tighten around hers. They exchanged a weary yet resolute glance as they heard the crunch of boots on the snow outside.
"Never thought I'd be so glad to hear sirens," Oliver whispered, his voice a ragged thread of relief woven through the remnants of terror.
Lisa nodded, the corners of her mouth lifting in a half-smile that didn't quite reach her eyes—eyes that had seen too much but remained luminous with defiant love. Oliver’s stab wound was bleeding still, and it worried her.
"Our kids will be happy to see us when we get home," she said softly, her thoughts turning to their children, the innocents who knew nothing of the darkness that had just enveloped their parents' lives while their beloved Aunt Maggie took care of them.
"Everything we did… we did for them," Oliver murmured, pressing his lips to Lisa's forehead, his breath warm against her skin. In the dim light filtering through the windows, his face was etched with pain and pride—pain from the wounds he bore and pride in their shared strength.
"Oliver, our love, it's… it's unbreakable," Lisa breathed out, the realization blooming inside her like the first rays of dawn after an endless night. "We've been through hell, but look at us. We're still standing. Together."
"Always together, forever," Oliver affirmed, his dark eyes shimmering with emotion. "I'll cherish you and Ethan, Abigail, Julia, and Daniel until my last breath. This… all of this has only made me love you more if that's even possible."
Their promise hung in the air, as sacred and enduring as the vows they had once exchanged. It was a bond forged in fire, tempered by adversity, and now unassailable.
Suddenly, the door burst open, flooding the cabin with light and the voices of the first responders who rushed in. Paramedics moved swiftly to attend to Oliver's injuries while police officers secured the scene. Travis stood up, overseeing the chaos with a veteran's calm, and then he told them everything.
"Mom! Dad!" The plaintive cries of their children cut through the commotion as they returned to the café, and Lisa's heart leaped into her throat. She turned to see Ethan and Abigail, their young faces streaked with tears and worry, rushing toward them with Julia toddling behind, her little arms outstretched.
"Thank God you're safe," Lisa sobbed, pulling her children into a fierce embrace, feeling Oliver's strong arms encircle them all. They clung to each other, a family reunited, their bonds unshakable.
"Your bravery is commendable," Detective Ramirez said, tipping his hat to Oliver and Lisa with a solemn nod. He had taken them home after they had gone to the hospital to get Oliver’s wound stitched and then spent hours telling their story—a story that seemed almost unbelievable if it wasn’t for the recordings to prove it. "You two are the talk of the town. Everyone's grateful for what you've done."
"Mommy, Daddy, you're heroes!" Daniel exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement as he hugged his parents tightly.