Page 2 of Seeking Her Studs
Reese burrows his face into my neck as he groans a deep husky approval and releases inside me, each thrust unlocking the next level of my own orgasm. It gives me everything I need. Complete pleasure and satisfaction rip through me, blacking out the rest of the world.
Until it doesn’t.
The world comes back into focus with Reese’s arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I see us in the mirror and we almost look like a normal loving couple from the waist up. I straighten up, feeling immediately on edge. He takes the hint and pulls out of me. He grabs a handful of paper towels and hands some to me. We clean ourselves up without so much as a glance at each other.
A million questions race through my mind. Do we tell his brothers? I’m not in a relationship with any of them. I never have been. It’s not like we cheated.
Then my mind goes back to the call I had this morning with my lawyer.
“She’s emptied your savings account.”
The words play over and over in my head.
My own mother, the person I trusted most in this world, picked up and left without so much as a goodbye. It’s not even the lost money that destroys me. I can make more of that easily. It’s that the one person in the entire world who is supposed to love me for me still only saw me as her meal ticket. I was just a product for her to sell my entire life and then cash out on. My life has almost never been my own. I was a household name since ten years old, starring in the sitcom Mandy. As I’ve grown into a bigger and bigger star, most people don’t see me for anything past my public persona. But at least I thought I had my mother and Gram to love me for who I am. Yet today, I said goodbye to both of them.
I shake my head, wishing it was enough to throw the thoughts out of my mind.
It’s not even one minute after Reese and I are done and my brain can’t shut the damn thoughts off. I open my mouth, about to suggest to Reese we do it again, but a loud banging starts on the door.
“Shit,” Reese mutters as he hurries to put his pants on.
“It’s probably just one of my bodyguards,” I shrug.
The banging grows more intense.
“Yeah, one minute!” Reese yells.
“Reese, open this fucking door. It’s Colt. There’s been an accident with mom and dad.”
Reese and I look at each other wide-eyed, fear lacing both our faces. Getting caught together is the last thing we’re worried about now.
He throws open the door. Colt reaches in and grabs Reese by the arm to drag him out. He glances over and sees me. He stops cold in his tracks for a split second, before shaking his head and pulling Reese out of the bathroom.
My immediate instinct is to follow them and see what I can do to help.
But I stop myself.
Because I’m nothing to them.
If I wasn’t before, then I certainly am now.
“Stay by me, girl,” I warn my over-eager labrador, Sunny, as we approach the abandoned silver camper. The damn thing is a nuisance and makes this part of our pristine property look like a dump. And now it seems it’s attracted a visitor. I had an alarm put on it for insurance purposes and five minutes ago, that alarm told me that someone wants to get in a whole heap of trouble today.
I approach cautiously. Solace Springs isn’t known for crime, but every once in a while, we get someone from out of town who doesn’t know just how tight-knit our community is. You can’t go five minutes without someone knowing your business. And this intruder’s five minutes is up.
“Come on out with your hands up and we won’t have any trouble,” I say calmly. Sunny’s tail wags ferociously. She’s never been much of a guard dog.
A teal Converse slips out of the camper in front of the heavy silver door and swings it open. A teal Converse that I would recognize an acre away because of the ridiculous doodles it has all over it, of flowers and horses and hell knows what else.
“Really, Briggs? What kind of Western movie do you think you’re in?” My lanky little sister Kaylee jumps out of the door with her hands up. Sunny runs over to her in a flash of golden fur and runs around her excitedly until Kaylee gets down to give her proper scratches.
Kaylee is my little sister, but ever since our parents passed away five years ago, my brothers and I became her guardians. Our parents had her a whole 12 years after they had my youngest brother, Reese. She was only 11 when they got taken from us, and our sorry asses had to figure out how to step up in our 20s. But I love this girl and stepping up for her has been an honor. Even while she’s going through this sassy teenage phase as a 16-year-old that leaves us completely out of our depths.
“You know this is off-limits, Kaylee. How did you even get in?” I stride toward the old thing to check on the door.