Page 20 of Only Girl Alive
Someday, Eve vowed, she would find justice for her brother and sister.
They took an hour’s lunch break away from the scene. They didn’t talk about the murders in the local diner because of curious ears. Everyone knew who they were and why they were there. A few reporters sat close to them, hoping to catch some small tidbit they could run with. They were accustomed to journalists eavesdropping and spoke about mundane subjects from weather to sports.
They were back at the Tanner home shortly before Aaron arrived. Eve began her interviews in the front seat of the SUV. She had a recorder and a notebook. Her brother was the lucky one and was first.
“Do you have a copy of the 911 tape for me?” she asked.
“There isn’t one. Howard called the police chief’s cell phone directly.”
Eve knew he meant Chief Jackson. She was interviewing him in approximately an hour.
“What are you hiding?” She wanted him on edge so tossed it out there.
He smiled. His bloodless lips pulled slightly upward and his eyes zeroed in on her. The only way to describe the expression was calculating.
“You have an overactive imagination,” he said, his voice a low grumble.
Eve knew something was going on. Her entire team did. She wanted badly to ask him why Bart Tanner was out of favor with the church but something held her back. She wanted more information before she broached the subject.
“Has family called about the bodies?” she asked, not allowing him to break her stride.
“Of course. They are very upset.” He looked away and then peered back at her. He was not a good liar.
Eve continued, “I’d like names.”
“Too many to run through.”
He thought he was so smart.
He twisted in the seat and faced her fully. She was slightly sideways and the SUV seemed smaller. His gaze went to the bun that peeked out from the back of her neck and Eve resisted the need to place her hand over it. Aaron gave her the creeps.
“What’s this about?” he demanded, without giving her a single name.
“There are four dead bodies, one a child. There’s been little excitement except from the media. No one seems concerned that you have a child murderer running around. Care to explain?”
“You’re being overly emotional. Elijah was nearly a man and your use of the word ‘child’ does not help your investigation.”
This infuriated her. He was a child. He deserved to have hopes and dreams. With the fundamentalist preference of casting young men from the community, Elijah may have had the opportunity to attend college and have a life that would have taken him far away from the pathetic doctrine that controlled him. He deserved a chance but he didn’t get it.
“Nice try, brother.” She leaned closer. “Your face is red and I’d bet your palms are sweaty. A sure sign of nerves and another sign things are not as they seem.”
“You’re crazy.” He looked away then swung his eyes back.
Eve rolled hers and didn’t respond to the statement. “Have you arranged an interview with Hannah?” she asked instead.
“Hannah is distraught and her aunt would like to wait a day or two.” He moderated his voice, his words precise like they’d been rehearsed.
“I will handle Mr. Wall’s interview first then. After his, I would like to interview the aunt and any sister wives in the home. They may have knowledge about the Tanner family that would be helpful,” she said, tamping down on her temper again.
“He is out of town for work,” Aaron continued without changing his expression. “He’ll return in a few days. I’ll need to check on Linda Wall. I doubt now is a good time to leave Hannah’s side.”
Why would the Walls avoid interviews, she silently asked herself? She would make a list of things that did not add up. Maybe if it were in writing, something would make sense.
“I have autopsies tomorrow; I’ll interview Hannah the following day along with the Walls,” she told him sternly. “Make it happen.” She put a touch of threat in the words. Aaron had no respect for women and even less for her. The only way to deal with him was with force she could back up.