Page 58 of Only Girl Alive
“You’re not going.” Clyde’s expression had turned hard. They needed her and he had to see reason. She didn’t doubt Lieutenant Crosby would order her home. She’d sent him a quick email, being truthful about the doctor’s orders and telling him she would take it easy. She hadn’t checked her messages since.
“I can hang back. Let me go in on entry and then I’ll wait in the van until you’re ready for photos. You need an extra body.”
“No to the entry team. We’ll worry more about you than danger inside. You wait in the van until the home is cleared and then you can take photos.” His eyes did not match his expression. He was concerned. Warrants were his specialty when it came to entry and keeping everyone safe.
Eve looked at the others.
“I need help here,” she implored. Her only chance was backup on this.
“All in agreement with Clyde, raise your hand,” Ray said, and looked at everyone but her.
Four hands went up including the brief fan of fingers Clyde gave. He bit back a smile.
“Thanks for nothing.” She scowled but gave in.
“We love you.” Bina looked directly at her. “This is our way of showing it.”
Pressure built behind her eyes. Family. The word ran through her mind again.
“I have a confession.” She was tired of worrying about their response, especially Clyde’s. They needed to know the truth and she had to get this over with.
She told them about her stepbrothers waiting for her in front of Aaron’s office.
“There were five?” Clyde asked, his eyes hard pinpoints, his body rigid.
“Yes.” She wanted to duck her head but she deserved this and kept her gaze level with his.
“And five men attacked you?”
“Did you give this information to the officer who took your statement?” He barely opened his mouth, his teeth clenched so tight.
“I did.”
His eyes continued drilling into hers. She could feel his anger but she also knew there was hurt mixed in.
“When it happened, I didn’t think it was important. I was wrong. I was threatened my entire childhood with the word abomination and I’ll simply admit it: I was ashamed that they had confronted me.”
“But you didn’t think you should mention this last night?”
Now Eve was annoyed.
“Last night I was still in shock and when I left the hospital, I took medication for pain. I wasn’t in any condition to have this conversation. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have said something about what happened outside Aaron’s office directly after the confrontation. It was a mistake.”
Clyde gave her a long look then backed off, his body losing its fight mode. Eve turned to the team.
“I owe everyone an apology. When we’re back at the office, I’ll give you an overview of my childhood. The attack made me realize you shouldn’t be in the dark and we should all know what we’re up against. Tamm will be included.”
“Was there anything you could identify to prove your brothers did this?” Ray asked.
“No, they weren’t wearing the same clothing. Their height was similar but it happened quickly. If the same stepbrother spoke the word abomination, I might have been able to match it to the first incident, but they spoke in unison. I told everything to the officer and hopefully the detective assigned will have some ideas. It’s not our investigation and we need to concentrate on the warrant and our case.”
Clyde walked with her and Bina back to the room. He didn’t say anything and she was worried, but there was nothing she could do. His hurt had replaced the anger.
“Those men are not your family,” Bina said as soon as their door closed behind them.