Page 64 of Only Girl Alive
“I think it’s pretty. Did you know red is the color Jesus will return in?”
Yes, Eve knew that, but he would be wearing it, according to polygamist doctrine, not bleeding it.
“You won’t go with Jesus because of your sins.” The soft lilt of her voice had disappeared; it had dropped an octave. Hannah examined Eve’s clothes again.
Clyde would need to get to the van. They would be farther along the grid search now. He wouldn’t be at the halfway point but he would be close. It might be faster if he ran straight here. She’d locked the front door. The keys to the Tanner home were in the van. That wouldn’t stop anyone on her team from getting inside.
Eve wasn’t sure why she wanted them here, but her gut said she was in danger. She wasn’t disregarding it this time. She should have listened to it and not entered the house alone. She could stand against a ten-year-old, she reassured herself. She inhaled and exhaled slowly to stay calm.
“Do you know why my father and mothers suffered a penalty for their sins?” Hannah’s eerie voice was completely monotone, devoid of inflection.
Eve’s full attention locked on her again.
“No, I don’t,” she lied.
“My father said I would never be married and he would pull me up to the celestial kingdom to live with him for eternity. I didn’t want to be there with him.” Her eyes moved to the gun holster before she looked up and continued speaking, “He punished me for my sins and God didn’t like that. My mothers and Elijah were part of his atonement. They deserved Father’s punishment too.” Her feet continued kicking back and forth. “God tasked me with their retribution. Now they are together in heaven, like they should be.”
“I’m sorry your father hurt you.” The sound of the laces messed with Eve’s psyche.
Hannah innocently shrugged her small shoulders. The creepy response heightened Eve’s dread.
“Father lied. He wasn’t the true prophet.” Hannah cocked her head to the other side. “Did your father hurt you because of your sins?” she asked.
The question startled Eve. Everything he did was because of their sins. Her father’s punishments caused backaches, dry, chapped hands, and sore feet. He was severe in his convictions, but his actions didn’t compare to the tragedy done to Hannah.
“Yes, my father hurt me,” she said. It wasn’t on Bart Tanner’s scale, but it was child abuse all the same.
“Did you have a punishment room?” Hannah asked curiously.
“Not like this one.” Eve had never considered her childhood pleasant, but compared to the life Hannah had, the abuse was mild.
“God told me what to do so they could be together. I practiced cutting the animals at Uncle Howard’s house.” She gave that small shrug again. “He was angry that I punished Father. Uncle Howard didn’t understand that God guided my hand.” Her gaze went to the wall behind Eve, lost in memory. “I put pills in their dinner. It was easy. I stirred the pot so the stew didn’t burn. Elijah had a tummy ache and he didn’t eat all his food. God wanted him to suffer.”
“Did you punish your Uncle Howard?” Eve asked. Could he and his family be dead by Hannah’s hand?
“No. He might marry me when I’m older.”
Did he abuse this child too? Eve was having trouble processing her thoughts. Each time Hannah spoke it was more chilling than the last. The small feet kicked faster and she suddenly appeared agitated.
“Are you okay, Hannah?”
This brought her attention back to Eve. Hannah stared into her eyes, capturing her in their trance. Eve couldn’t breathe.
Very slowly, Hannah smiled.
Eve wanted to run down the ladder and escape the house.
“Father told my mothers to take the pills sometimes. He would make Elijah cry after they fell asleep. My brother had to suffer more because he cried.” Something in Hannah’s words reminded Eve of Aaron. “God told me it wasn’t a sin to punish them. He said it would help me keep sweet. Maybe you should take the pills and God’s retribution won’t hurt so much.”
“We should go downstairs. Are you hungry? I could make you something to eat.” Eve had to get her out of the attic. Her senses continued screaming that she was in danger.
Hannah looked upward and stared at the vaulted ceiling, her neck stretching, eyes almost rolling back into her head. It was the eeriest movement she’d made since Eve heard her voice. Slowly Hannah’s head lowered and her eyes settled on Eve.
“God told me you must atone for your sins.” Hannah stood and took a step toward the bed.
Eve barely noticed the flash of the blade in Hannah’s right hand before she lunged. Eve rolled to the side, drawing her gun as Hannah stabbed the knife down, slicing the mattress with a vicious stroke. Eve gained her feet and shuffled back, putting space between them.
Hannah smiled again.