Page 66 of Only Girl Alive
“You can’t punish me,” Hannah said angrily, her face reddening. “Only God or the prophet can do that.”
“Eve, move back.” Clyde was prepared to shoot. Eve knew him. He wouldn’t be able to live with killing a child.
Hannah lifted the knife. Eve prepared to fire.
“It won’t hurt,” Hannah said. “Even Elijah didn’t scream. I like watching the blood.”
Eve lunged forward, grabbing the chair before Hannah moved. She swung and hit the girl solidly in the chest, knocking her over. She threw herself on top of her and grabbed the hand holding the knife. Within seconds, Clyde had Hannah’s other hand secured and Ray took control of her legs, which were kicking with enough force to drive her body off the floor.
Hannah continued fighting, her head twisting jerkily as she squirmed, making it hard to keep hold of her. Eve holstered her gun, switched hands on Hannah’s wrist and used the other one to take the knife.
“Hand it over,” said Bina, from her right side.
Once Bina had it, Eve pushed down on Hannah’s shoulder to help control her flailing body.
Clyde and Ray managed to holster their weapons and now they had three sets of hands holding her down. Hannah fought for another minute, hissing and spitting. Suddenly, her body went lax. Clyde flipped her to her stomach and Bina handed him flex cuffs. He secured her hands and turned her to her side. Hannah stared straight ahead, her breathing harsh, her eyes locked on something they couldn’t see.
“We need to carry her out of here. Collin, take Eve’s place. Bina, help Eve and make sure she isn’t cut.”
She wasn’t sure when Bina had come into the attic. Her brain was having trouble processing.
“I’m good,” she said, but didn’t resist when Bina took her arm and pulled her gently away.
“You are on bed-rest and Clyde is my acting supervisor. What he says goes.” The harsh words barely penetrated Eve’s racing thoughts. Bina checked her over quickly, looking for blood. “She’s good,” Bina said when she finished.
People were stabbed and shot without knowing it due to adrenaline. Clyde was right to have her checked.
They lifted Hannah and carried her carefully down the steps. Eve went to her knees and looked at her hands. Her fingers shook uncontrollably.
“It’s okay,” Bina said beside her. “Hannah is okay. Breathe.”
Eve suddenly gasped for air, unaware she’d been holding her breath.
“I’m good.” She inhaled and exhaled deeply again. “I’m good,” she repeated. “Call an ambulance for Hannah.”
“You are not my supervisor right now. Clyde will handle it. Keep breathing.”
Eve reached into her pocket and turned off her recorder. She sat back on her legs and looked at Bina.
“Hannah may have been staying here for a day or two. Check the attic, see if there’s any place she could hide.”
“You don’t listen very well. Get out of detective mode and stabilize yourself. You’re in shock.”
Eve leaned back and her butt hit the wooden floor, her legs curled at an angle and her head tilted down.
“I feel sick.”
“No bucket up here. Slow deep breaths.”
“Your bedside manner sucks,” Eve told her a minute later after she felt calmer.
“Promising you would go straight to the hotel wasn’t so hot either.”
“Really, now?”
“Now is better—you’ll be my boss again tomorrow.”
Ray climbed back up the stairs and squatted by Eve. She heard sirens in the distance.