Page 49 of Sanctuary
“You’re the one that insisted on going after the dummy,” Paige shot back with a grin. “I’ve been here waiting.”
The hunter’s eyes went to the door and then back to Paige. “You can come with me when I leave this place, but if I don’t get that giant now, I’ll lose the opportunity.”
Paige sauntered closer. “Your loss, but hurry. My friends need off the island, but if you have room for me, I’m yours.”
The hunter leaned in and placed his hand on Paige’s breast. He kissed her. Misty turned her head because she thought she would be sick. Paige’s husky reply made it worse.
“Hurry back, Dale.”
The hunter stepped away and looked at the other two girls, his gaze staying on Sarah for an extra-long moment. He walked forward suddenly and grabbed her arm.
“Bait,” he growled. “You’re coming with me.”
Chapter Thirty
Savage Sanctuary Island, Simon
Simon had watched the hunter enter Jerry’s apartment. The cold settled into a deep ache that didn’t help the pain in his knees. He’d almost spilled from his hiding spot and attacked, but something held him back. He knew he didn’t have much energy left, and with his knees, he would be lucky to get one shot. Now was not the time.
He had to take out Jerry and the hunter to keep the girls safe, and he was no longer questioning the decision. He was trying not to think of what would happen to him or the cats, especially Indra. His stomach felt queasy over the thought of never seeing his friends again.
Waiting was the worst, and he wished he could get it over with. Maybe the hunter would kill him. For the girls’ sake, Simon hoped he didn’t.
Several minutes later, the door to the apartment opened. Simon’s body stiffened when the hunter tossed Sarah to the ground outside. She sprawled in the mud and curled into a tight ball, her shoulders shaking.
“Stop!” screamed Paige. “I’ll be bait and come with you. I want that dumb guy gone as much as you do.”
Dumb guy? Had Simon heard her right?
“Sarah likes the stupid giant,” Paige continued. “I want to help you catch him.”
The hunter laughed at her. “I’m not going to catch him; I’m going to put a bullet in his heart.”
“Only his heart? Mine would take him in the head.” She pointed at Sarah. “She won’t help, but I will. Take me with you, and we’ll find him together, big guy.”
Simon didn’t know what to think. He hadn’t liked Paige in the beginning, but she’d grown nicer. Was it an act? Did she hate him?
Simon stayed frozen because he didn’t know if he wanted the answers. Dale grabbed Paige’s arm and brought her in close, whispering something in her ear, but Simon couldn’t hear. Misty came out and helped Sarah to her feet. They were both crying. Dale said something to them, and Misty helped her back into the apartment. The hunter took Paige away.
Jerry was now Simon’s first target.
Simon left his hiding place, which was within twenty feet of Jerry’s apartment. He’d used synthetic plants from the storage room. They made good camouflage, and, even with his size, the weather and cover allowed him to hide in plain sight.
He limped around to the back and looked into the window. Thankfully, Jerry’s apartment was recessed away from the open area and sheltered by the other two buildings. They hadn’t boarded up the windows. The lights were kept on by the generator. If Jerry was running heat inside, the gasoline in the generator wouldn’t last long, but that didn’t matter now.
Simon looked in the window, which was the only bedroom, but he didn’t see Sarah or Misty. He didn’t see Jerry either, so he decided to go back to the front. He tried the door handle, and it was unlocked.
This was it. He needed to hurt Jerry so he couldn’t hurt anyone else. Simon pushed through the door. Jerry stood a few feet away, and Simon didn’t give him time to say anything before he swung his fist and caught Jerry upside the head. He fell to the floor with a loud thunk.
“Simon,” Sarah cried, her face wet with tears. She ran to him and threw her arms around his neck.
“He has Paige,” she said. “Paige is acting like she’s his friend because we had to find you, and now you found us.”
Maybe Paige didn’t hate him. “Where were they going?”
Misty answered, “She saved Sarah because he was going to use her as bait to draw you out.”
“I’ll go after him,” Simon said. “I’ll move Jerry into one of the cages we have in this section of the island. He can stay there until after the storm. I’ll lock you in one of the pens too, and you can wait out the storm with the key so he can’t get to you.” Simon wasn’t sure what he would do with Jerry, but he wanted the girls left out of it.