Page 52 of Sanctuary
Simon didn’t really know anything about sin, but he liked Misty and he lowered the gun.
Savage Sanctuary Island, Misty
Three years later,
Misty carried the bucket of food to one of their newest rescues. It was another tiger like Indra. This one had also been raised by a private owner, and he didn’t mind people. Simon’s words rang in her head. “Until the cat accepts you, they can’t be trusted. After they accept you, it’s by their rules.”
It was a good lesson, and she had all her fingers to prove she listened.
Jerry had turned the sanctuary over to Simon, but it hadn’t solved their problems. It took the entire day after the storm to figure out half the things they had going against them. The island was isolated and provided safety for the cats. Visitors stayed within the fenced areas. There was no reason the three girls couldn’t stay. That had been the main accomplishment of their extra day before the real world invaded.
When visitors arrived at the sanctuary, the girls remained out of sight, at least for the first year. The change in their appearance also helped them come out of their shell. Suntans and additional food turned them into young women who belonged on the island, even though they were still too young. Slowly, they felt comfortable helping Simon with the cats and all the other needs the sanctuary had. When visitors saw them, it was as the family who owned the place.
Simon was their combination uncle and father. He taught them to care for the cats, but Misty doubted they would ever know as much as he did. They called him Uncle Simon for the visitors, and it stuck.
Six months after their arrival, Paige left with only a note on her bed so they wouldn’t worry.
“You and Sarah love it here, but I want to see the world. I may come visit sometime. Take care of Simon and Indra for me, P.”
It saddened Misty, but that was Paige. If it weren’t for her, their lives would have been horrible. Misty couldn’t fault her friend for going after her dreams.
Within a year of Jerry signing over the sanctuary, he was charged with felonies pertaining to his illegal wildlife trade. He took a plea and went to prison quickly. The authorities looked at the island but Jerry hadn’t been in control and they found nothing. Simon made sure the sanctuary abided by state and federal law. He cared about each animal in their possession and he reveled in the responsibility.
As for Sarah, she was awesome. Under Simon’s tutelage, she’d all but taken over the cat’s medical care. Simon checked out books at the library that taught about veterinary health. Sarah studied with Simon each evening and took notes talking about individual cats and their health needs. Sarah actually had steadier fingers than Misty when it came to stitching wounds.
They no longer placed more than three cats in the enclosures at a time. Attacks and injuries were rare now, but they happened. Indra was their cat ambassador. Simon placed a collar on him and attached a leash to walk him around the visitor center. He was a crowd favorite.
There was another change. Simon learned to read, and each night, he brought them into his world of discovery. They gathered around to listen to his deep voice that lulled them into an endless feeling of peace. He rarely stumbled over words, but when he did, he would smile and ask for the correct pronunciation before going on. He had saved them, and it was something they would never forget. He knew it too and it added to his confidence. Simon was possibly the smartest person Misty had ever known and now that he’d come out of his shell, others knew it too. He had slowly gained respect in the cat rehabilitation zone and turned their Sanctuary into one of the best in the country.
Misty had never seen a sign of the hunter’s body that Indra dragged away, and she didn’t ask Simon about it. After what they had suffered that night, she, Paige, and Sarah were bloodthirsty and she was okay with their feelings of vengeance. Misty would never apologize. They had survived. It wasn’t something they spoke of, and that was okay too.
Paige was wrong about the cats having a taste for human flesh because Indra never showed a sign that he thought humans tasted better than his meals. He’d protected them, and Misty counted him as one of her best friends.
Turning Savage Sanctuary into a good place for the cats took a lot of work. They couldn’t have done it without Mrs. Miller’s help. They’d told her the truth about the girls’ home and running away from the abuse, though they kept the story of the dead hunters to themselves. If it weren’t for her, their idea to hide on the island wouldn’t have worked.
Mrs. Miller was determined they would earn their GEDs so they could go to college if they wanted to. She encouraged Sarah to keep learning about the cats and study to be a veterinarian when she was old enough. Misty thought it would happen in a few years.
Misty had missed Paige so much the first year, but then Caitlyn arrived. She’d brought a note with her.
“She’s like us, and she needs help. Our secrets will be safe with her, P.”
Caitlyn was a year older than Sarah, and she looked like she would blow away in a strong wind. Paige had found her on the streets after she’d run away from home. Caitlyn brought a package of attitude with her. It took a few months before she accepted that she was no longer in danger and she could let her guard down. Caitlyn took over the care of the smaller cats, who she was more comfortable with. The only other cat she liked was Indra. He’d followed her around like a lovesick puppy when she first arrived. She tried to hide from him due to her fear, but it never worked. Finally, when it looked as if the tiger would die of a broken heart, she accepted the friendship, and Indra only left her side for time with Simon.
They now lived in the apartments. Misty had her own, and Sarah and Caitlyn shared one. Simon also moved out of the hut so he could be closer to the girls for protection.
For Misty’s part, she handled the business end of the sanctuary with Mrs. Miller’s help. The money Jerry gave them didn’t last long, and the island bills had stacked up. They made plans to bring in more money that included Indra’s promotion to ambassador and a more educational experience at the sanctuary. Their donations increased steadily with media exposure that Mrs. Miller handled. She was more than the mainland librarian; she was an ally for all of them including the cats.
The biggest new addition to the island was the chapel. Misty had opened the idea of using it for weddings, and everyone agreed. The building seated fifty people, and they kept the island jungle theme throughout. When you entered, it gave a peaceful feeling no matter your beliefs. They had their first couple scheduled for the following week. Indra now had a bowtie and would be front and center for the wedding photos. The chapel would bring in money, but it also filled a place in Misty’s heart. She thought differently about religion now and had let go of many teachings she’d grown up with. But she needed the peace the chapel brought.
They no longer allowed live feedings for extra money. Misty had been horrified when Simon told her about them. But they needed money and their largest endeavor would come available the following year. They were building a nature walk that would allow the cats to roam free while visitors walked in safety around the island. They were adding a few huts for the true experience of living and working with the cats. They would offer training classes and also make people pay for the experience so they could rescue more animals in need.
None of this would have been possible without Yolanda and Roberto. They remained a fixture and took the fourth apartment unit, so they no longer lived on the mainland. Yolanda spoiled all of them. She cooked and kept their apartments clean even when they told her they could clean up after themselves. She nodded and did as she pleased. She was the mother to all and they loved her.
The past three years were the best in Misty’s life, and starting today, she had a clear future in front of her. This was her eighteenth birthday. No one could return her to her parents or that horrible school. She’d counted down to this special day, and finally, it arrived.
They only opened the island on weekends for general visitors, and it was Tuesday, so she took her time. She went to check on the new cubs born to one of the lions. There were four, and when they were old enough, they had zoos waiting. The zoos paid good money, and it helped the bottom line. Misty researched the facilities diligently before they signed agreements. They would not be removed until the mother turned them away from nursing, and that was still weeks from now.