Page 6 of Sanctuary
Bridge Home School for Girls, Misty
After orientation and an almost unbearable hour on the wall, Misty was kept in her room for another hour. A loud alarm sounded from the hallway, and she jumped an inch off the bed. A few minutes later, her door was unlocked, and she was told to follow the others to the cafeteria. Her stomach made all kinds of noises because of hunger, and she was also thirstier than she ever remembered being.
“The others” were girls from her floor. She followed them, head down, her knees knocking beneath the dress. The first girl in line stopped at the second landing and waited for the girls from that floor to precede her down the stairs.
After several turns, they came to a large room with one long table in the center. Misty noticed a young girl walking through a door on the other side of the room with a large tray before looking back to the girl in front of her. The first girl in line walked to the last seat and stood behind the chair.
Plates with food were already on the table. Nothing fancy, but by this time, Misty didn’t care. When all the girls were in place, Mrs. Turney, the woman who had shown her to her room earlier, cleared her throat.
“The Lord provides for the respectable girls here,” she said. “You know this, but you continue to break our rules. These rules are in place to teach you humility, grace, and obedience. When you fail, you are punished because that is God’s plan.” Her eyes traveled both sides of the table until they fell on one skinny girl with a chipped front tooth. “Sarah, you will eat no food tonight at this table.”
Misty hadn’t noticed Mrs. Sanders until she stepped forward and took the plate of food away. Mrs. Turney wasn’t finished and stopped at another girl. “Emma, you will also go without food.”
The girl gave a small, strangled cry which was quickly shut down when Mrs. Sanders smacked her on the back of the head.
“You may be seated,” Mrs. Turney said.
They took their seats. Misty followed their lead when they clasped their hands together in front of them and bowed their heads.
Mrs. Turney said the prayer. “Dear Lord, thank you for the gifts you give us this day and for keeping the girls turned from the dark forces of Satan. As we consume this meal, may it purify our evil thoughts and guide us in service. Grant us the light to serve you. May this sustenance nourish our intentions and fortify our will to serve you. In the name of Jesus, we are grateful for your guidance as we battle the inherent evil inside each woman. We strive to be modest and chaste as you have commanded us. We accept your punishments for our transgressions to make us better followers of your words. Amen.”
“Amen,” the girls said in unison before they lifted their forks.
“You may eat,” Mrs. Turney said.
Misty couldn’t keep from looking at the two seats where the girls’ meals were removed. They both sat, stiff-backed, looking down at their empty place settings. Even their water glasses were gone.
She eyed her meal and she wasn’t as hungry as she was when she entered. Misty also knew that if she didn’t eat, she would be punished. The food was tasteless but it could have been worse. She didn’t look at the hungry girls again; it was too hard. She ate every bite and drank all her water.
Mrs. Turney clapped her hands together twice.
“If it is your day and time to shower, you may leave. Sarah and Emma, you will return to your rooms where there is bread and water waiting. If it is your shower night, you will stay filthy like the wicked girls you are.” Six girls, including Sarah and Emma, left the room.
Those who remained stayed silent until the adults left. Low whispers started up slowly.
“My name is Paige,” the girl next to Misty said.
“I’m Misty.”
“It’s hard in the beginning, but this place really sucks after you’ve been here a day or two,” she said with a broad smile that showed her teeth. Her hair was a shade lighter than Misty’s and her face a bit rounder but she looked to be around fifteen.
Misty tried to grasp Page’s use of the word ‘sucked’ but wasn’t quite sure what she meant. Then she noticed large holes in Paige’s earlobes and couldn’t help staring. The Lord did not allow girls to desecrate their bodies with worldly items, and she had never seen a girl with holes like that.
Paige’s fingers went to one ear after she noticed what caught Misty’s attention. “They made me take out my tunnels,” she said. “Thankfully these holes are too big to close.” Paige shrugged. “They would have gone crazy if I got the tattoo I wanted.” Misty couldn’t stop her gasp and Paige’s smile grew. “You're one of the girls that never broke the rules at home, aren’t you?”
“I broke rules,” Misty said defensively because she didn’t want Paige to think less of her for her compliance.
“Oh yeah, what rules?” Paige challenged.
“I’m here because I wouldn’t marry the dirty old pastor in our church.”
Paige laughed loudly.
“Shush,” the girl sitting on Paige’s opposite side commanded, her eyes going to the closed door.
Paige gave her an irritated glance before she turned her attention back to Misty.
“Look,” she lowered her voice. “I don’t plan on staying here. If you want, you can come with me. Think about it. The only time we have to talk is after dinner if there aren’t too many rule breaks during the day.”