Page 31 of Exposed
“Spoiled baby,” Dominic commented, kissing my lips.
“You two haven’t had enough of each other?” Novah said, putting her food in the fridge.
“She’s right. I need to get over to Raven and check over the tapes. Yesterday was just the beginning, and somebody’s playing with us, and I don’t like it,” Dominic told me.
“Was Raymond involved?” Novah asked.
“We don’t know for sure,” I answered, following Dominic to my bedroom. He opened the door, grabbing his shoes, keys, and wallet off my bed. After we had sex earlier this morning, I changed the sheets and showered, putting his shirt on. Sleeping in his arms gave me peace and comfort beyond what I ever had with Raymond.
Dominic slid his phone in his pocket, and I tried removing his shirt, but he stopped me.
“Keep it; I like knowing I have something over here. Remember, don’t leave unless Emmanuel is driving you. If he can’t make it, come get me,” Dominic commanded, kissing my forehead.
“Okay,” I said.
Walking out of my bedroom, I sat down on my couch next to Novah.
“Remove the frown, girl, that man will be back. Based on what I heard last night, he’s sprung, sweetie,” Novah joked.
“We were that loud?”
She busted out laughing, nodding her head.
“I’m so embarrassed. He’s the best I’ve ever had, and he’s so sweet and tender, making sure I’m pleased. That mouth, girl!”
“You look happy; well, separate from the bullshit with that article.”
“Jacinda bitch can kiss my ass. She’s not going to win.”
“That’s what I like to hear. What are you wearing to the party?”
“I have no idea. My parents will fly back in two days. I need to make sure we pull a stylist for them,” I remarked before making a mental note to do just that.
“I know they’re proud of you, even if you don’t see it all the time.”
“How are things with the accounting business?” I asked.
She smiled. “Things are coming together. I found a few office spaces for rent. I appreciate you lending me the money to rent the space. I’m planning on interviewing for an assistant, have you looked into hiring someone full-time as an assistant?”
“It’s on my list.”
I knew I wouldn’t have her around me all the time helping me navigate these waters, but it was nice to have my best friend become her own boss like me.
“Come on, let’s do a quick video I can post on my page. I already have hits on my post. Then we can call up my stylist to bring a few pieces over so we can look them over.”
Grabbing my phone, I checked over my face, pleased I didn’t look too tired and decided to do a natural video to upload.
“Hey fam, this is your girl, Lauren. I know a lot has gone on over the past day or two. But I’m here to let you know that Lauren and the Raven Cosmetics launch party is coming soon. Stay tuned. Smoochies!” I announced, smiling with Novah next to me, and I saved it to upload from my computer.
Closing my phone, I stood up, walking to my bedroom. Novah held a notepad and pen to take notes.
“What color are you wearing?” I asked Novah.
“Whatever you want me to wear. It’s your night, L. Please don’t stress.”
“We should all coordinate the colors; the party theme is old Hollywood, a lot of white, red, and gold colors. Make sure we tell the stylist to bring enough pieces we can choose from, and I’ll need a second outfit just in case we have an after party.”