Page 42 of Exposed
“You listen. Sit down and wait your turn.” I pointed to the couch. His eyes rose in shock, and he bit his bottom lip. Crossing my arms, I stared right back.
“Lauren, I apologize for not being there when you needed me most. I was a fool and I admit that. The second I saw you lying in blood, I completely lost it and couldn't bear to hear the doctor tell me you were dead.”
“I’m standing right here, Dominic, and it’s three months later and still not a call, text, note, card. I needed you!” I screamed, pounding his chest. Gripping my hands, he pulled me in close kissing my forehead, cheek, cupping my face, placing tender kisses on my lips.
“I know that, baby, and I’m sorry. Sometimes, I shut people out and I let it go on too long with you. I never stopped caring about you.”
“So, why leave? Huh? I asked for you when I woke up in the hospital.”
I pulled away, wiping my face and walking over to the fireplace.
“I told Emmanuel and Mark to watch over you. I always had eyes on you.”
“They weren’t you!” I shouted, throwing the vase of flowers at his head.
“You’re right, please forgive me, baby. I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I haven’t been able to sleep or eat, not seeing your face every day. Hearing you talk about what outfit you're wearing or us arguing about you taking a picture of me,” he joked.
I chortled at his statement, he reached out his palm and I placed mine on top, letting him pull me in close.
“How do we get past this?” I questioned.
“With me forgiving myself and asking for your forgiveness. Then we decide that together is where we want to be.”
“What about you coming back on board my security detail?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his chest.
“I can do that.” He bent down kissing my lips, gripping my ass.
“Good, because you owe me backrubs, foot massages, and more as payment for fucking up. Normally I would drop a guy in a second that ignores my calls and messages.”
Dominic laughed hugging me close.
“How was Paris?” he asked, letting me go and walking toward the kitchen. I followed behind him.
“It was good. I had fun, but mostly worked. Did you cook?”
“Yeah, I wasn’t expecting any company. I can split it with you.” He grabbed a second plate out of the cabinet.
“I haven’t had much of an appetite either.”
“Everything all right?”
“Yeah, just dealing with a broken heart because my so-called boyfriend left me.”
“You're going to milk this for a while, aren’t you?” he asked.
“I wouldn’t be Lauren Armstrong if I didn’t get something out of this situation that didn’t include diamonds,” I said, winking at him.
“Princess, don’t get cocky.”
“You like it when I get cocky, makes your dick hard. When I told you to sit down and shut up, I saw your dick jump. Don’t worry, he’s on punishment until I say it’s time he becomes reacquainted again with pussy.”
“So, you haven’t dated anyone since we’ve been apart?” he asked.
“No, I know it’s hard for you to imagine, but when I’m all in with a guy, he’s all I think about. Dominic, I love you and I don’t want to continue this roller coaster ride. Mark told me your address so you can kick his ass for spilling the beans, Shooter,” I confessed.
Dominic pulled me into his lap and kissed the side of my face.
“Twilight and Emmanuel can get away with that. As far as me loving your cockiness, princess, it’s because you're spoiled, and I like to see your little nose squint up and lips poke out when you're mad. Something about these lips that drive me crazy. How are you doing?”