Page 5 of Aydin
“Before I head to lunch, I want to introduce you to who you’ll report to.”
“The owner, right?”
“Yes. I have to warn you, he can be a little grumpy with new people, but he’s a sweetheart after you get to know him.”
“Maybe I should have met him before you showed me the office.” I chuckled, and she laughed, waving me off.
“He trusts my judgment, so you’re a good choice in my book,” she commented. I put the paperwork down on the desk and walked alongside her to his office. The building wasn’t decorated to be an inviting space. It felt more like a doctor’s office, cold with no pictures on the wall, and the furniture was mostly black leather couches. Molly tapped on the door lightly before pushing it open. I heard a low growl like an animal, and my head popped up and saw it was the same guy from last night who helped me during the mugging.
“Aydin, are you busy?” Molly probed, strolled toward him, and picked up some folders from his desk. He stared back at me, and I felt a lump in my throat at seeing him during the daylight. I knew he was handsome, but he had more of a mystery to him. His striking gray eyes looked back at me. The intensity in his jawline as he gritted his teeth looked like he was ready to scold me for doing something wrong.
“Always busy,” he fussed and turned his eyes away to face Molly.
“Well, this is Amelia, and she’s going to be the new Operations manager,” Molly informed him, and his eyebrows rose in surprise.
“When was this decided?” he questioned.
“You said, and I quote, Molly, handle it.”
“I can go…” I muttered, not wanting to cause a problem. At the same time, I needed a job.
“You’re hired, Amelia. He’s just having a bad day,” Molly fussed, planting her hands on her hip
“I’m not listening. She’s qualified and ready to start.”
“Fine. You train her, and I mean the minute she fucks up, it’s on you.” He pointed a finger at her, then Molly flipped him off. I’d never seen an employee act this way with their boss.
“Ignore him, Amelia. You’ll do fine.”
“I have a meeting in thirty minutes. Can you get her up to speed, or do I need to do that?” Aydin asked.
“No worries, she’ll be ready with bells on, Mr. Grumpy Pants,” Molly teased, turned toward me, and interlocked our arms. Walking out of his office, I felt the butterflies leave my stomach. Molly escorted me to the breakroom, supply office, and bathrooms along with a few employees.
“Here’s your office again.” Molly unlocked the door. I went around to my desk and sat, situating myself and checking out the drawers and computer.
“I have lunch, so you’ll have to sit in on the meeting by yourself,” Molly said.
“Okay, anything I should know?”
“Nothing major. Mostly, they run through what clients they have for the week.”
“Actually, I know Aydin.”
“Really! From where?”
“He saved me from a mugger last night.”
“Oh, see that shows you it’s meant for you to have this position.”
“Hopefully, it won’t be awkward.”
“No, you’ll be fine.”