Page 92 of Aydin
“You don’t ask questions.”
Addison waited for Carlos to unlock my wrists as she held a gun to my head.
“Try anything, and you’re dead.”
“Addison, this has gone on too long.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll see Aydin again… in hell.” She grabbed me by the arm, yanked me off the bed, and dragged me.
“Help! Help!” I screamed and tried to kick away. When Carlos smacked me across the face, I fell backwards and held my cheek.
“Next time, think twice about testing me.” Addison stood over me with a gun.
“Ughhh.” I gasped as Carlos’s body dropped to the ground. I looked up and saw Aydin with a gun trained on Addison.
“Aydin!” I shouted, trying to run to him. She grabbed me with the gun to my back and her arm around my neck.
“Stay back!” Addison shouted.
“Addison, it’s over,” Aydin said.
“Aydin, we could have been good together.”
“If you want to walk out of here, let her go.”
“She’s my insurance.”
“I can’t let you do that.”
“Where’s Tristan?”
“He’s dead,” Aydin answered.
I felt Addison stiffen at the response.
“You’re lying.” Her voice cracked.
“It’s all over the news that you paid your way out of this with family money.”
“All you care about is her.”
“Arghhh!” She grabbed my hair and yanked my head back.
“Addison!” Another voice screamed, and I took that chance to step on her foot and dropped down to the ground.
Pop! Poppppp!
I covered my ears and closed my eyes.
“You’re safe, baby,” he whispered in my ear and held me in his arms.
“Aydin.” I sniffed, trying to hold in my tears.
“Let’s go. We have company,” Nasir spoke, and I finally realized who the voice matched.