Page 21 of Ride
“Fuck you, Laikin,” Sincere growled.
“Bro, leave that girl alone.”
“Anyway, I have a few things in the pipeline, and I wanted to see you both because one of them has you both lined up for an interview together,” Sarai expressed.
“The Maya West talk show? Isn’t she married to the Governor?” I remembered reading in the newspapers about a local talk-show host and the governor dating. They were also friends with Gage Young, who I’d met at a sports award show.
“Correct—even though she’s more lowkey because of her husband’s position, she’s only doing shows on a limited basis. I thought it would be nice to get you both on together.” Sarai typed away on her computer.
“We would need to fly out to New York.”
“Yep. The sooner the better. It would be a little mini tour. Basically, you’re both the stars of Pierce Motors, along with Ledger who I just signed to represent.” Sarai stood and walked to her fridge in the corner of the office, then grabbed two bottles of water and handed them to us.
“Ledger’s cool people,” Sincere said.
“I agree.”
“Perfect. I know you have a race this week, and then you’re off, so I planned the interview in a few weeks, and I have your plane tickets and hotel set up already,” Sarai informed me.
“Sarai, you have me doing back-to-back interviews with bloggers, and you know that’s not my style.”
“Look, you are still seen as a playboy right now. To combat the drama, I extended a ten-minute interview window—and let’s not forget, there are pictures of you and Callie leaving the party drunk.” She shoved the magazine in my face from Turnt Up Vibe. Soon as the flash went off that night, I knew Callie and I would be plastered everywhere. She had to get shit started by kissing my neck. I groped her ass, and it turned into a make out session in front of the venue while we waited for the limo to pick us up.
“That wasn’t my fault.”
Sincere slapped me on the shoulder. “Finally, it’s not me in trouble.”
“Shut up, Sincere. You two will act right and no partying. I have enough work to scrub any mentions of sex tapes being blasted online.” She scoffed, turning the computer around for us to see a blurred-out photo with my name in bold letters on Gossip Tea’s blog page.
I tried to forecast the probable moves Sarai would need to make if I had something illicit online. “Gossip Tea is lying. I don't have a sex tape.”
Sighing, she clasped her hands together and stared at me. “Doesn’t matter. As long as your name is mentioned, it’s getting interest. So, while I try and get it removed, I need you to play nice.”
“All right.” A quiet voice told me to keep my real feelings under wraps and not cause any more problems before my next race.
“Let me know if Amena is free. I have a contract for her.”
I gave Sarai the contact information. “I will check if Amena’s free.”
“Will it be a problem for you two to work together? I refuse to have any more issues, Laikin.” Sarai loathed the attention that came with dating someone in the business, being the wife of a billionaire and the team’s President. Getting noticed beyond the person you’re attached to brought problems, and she had nothing to worry about with me and Amena.
“Amena and I are professionals.”
“Bullshit,” Sincere coughed into his hand.
Sarai and I looked at him.
“With a past,” Sarai said with understanding and sensitivity.
Why did she continue the deep dive if she knew what happened between us. “Then find someone else, Sarai. You know clothing is not my thing.”
“No, I want Amena. What she did for the commercial really put you in a better light. Just keep it all business,” Sarai replied as the door opened. I whipped my head around to see Malik.
Sincere and I rose from our chairs to leave. “Gotcha.”
Malik shook our hands and pulled his wife into a hug. “Everything good in here?” Malik wondered.
“Always, honey.” Sarai kissed him on the cheek.