Page 28 of Mischief Mayhem
Ignoring the shiver that snaked around my spine, I lit my smoke and handed the lighter to him so he could do the same. Then, we stood next to each other on Saint’s tiny porch, staring up at the stars. This far out from the city, I could see the Milky Way, and it added a mystical ambience to the already confusing tether between him and me. Out here, we could be the only two people in the galaxy, like the stardust that made him was the same that made me and our silly affair had been written in the sky millions of years ago. Weren’t we just particles of a dying sun in the end?
The smell of his cologne hit me next, reminding me of when he’d crawled between my legs and watched me masturbate with rapt attention. His dark eyes almost glowed in the moonlight, his features somehow softer and more delicate.
“You keep looking at me like that, V, and we might both have to bail on our parties tonight.” He pulled his lips into a grin around his cigarette, which dangled from his lips in a charismatic James Dean way.
I scoffed, taking another deep inhale, letting the nicotine buzz go to my head. “You think stealing my panties and pinning me against a wall with some pretty words will work on me, Hudson?” Rolling my eyes, I let out a little sarcastic giggle. “You’ll have to do better than that.”
I’d said it to make him laugh, but he didn’t react the way I’d hoped. He turned to face me, closing the distance between us to bring his lips to my temple, brushing his mouth so close to my skin, not touching me, but enough for a current of energy to spark in the void between us.
“I bet you haven’t stopped thinking about it,” he said, trailing his nose down the side of my face, ghosting his lips over my cheek. “I bet you rubbed yourself to sleep. Did you moan my name when you came?”
I gulped and stepped back, turning away from him so I could puff on the cigarette and get my nerves under control.
“You’re right,” I confessed, glancing up at him, watching as delight danced in his beautiful eyes and infectious smile. “I did, and I want the things you said.”
“I fucking knew it.” He laughed, stabbed the smoke out, and bit his bottom lip.
“But I respect your need for . . . celibacy or whatever it is.” Finished with mine, I put the cigarette in the ashtray and turned to him again. “Kink doesn’t need to be about sex.”
“Oh, I know,” he said. “I once had a Madam that liked to turn my ass purple before sending me on long motorcycle rides for fun.”
“Don’t give me ideas.” I licked my lips and tried to ignore how much I would love to torture him like that.
He furrowed his brows, the surprise now gone as reality set in. “Are you really agreeing to this?”
“You want me to dominate you,” I said. “I’d like to dominate you. It’s an easy deal to make.”
“What do you want in return?” He seemed confused, like he didn’t understand why I would do this.
“Oh, I’m going to have a lot of fun stringing you up and?—”
“Well, what do we have here?” came the voice from the darkness up ahead. The orange glow of a lit cigarette preceded KC with a wide grin on his face like he’d just discovered two thieves in the act. “Mischief,” he said to his buddy before glancing at me, “and Mayhem.”
“Killer Cock,” Hollywood said, smiling at his friend’s nickname while KC stared at us.
“What are you two plotting out here by yourselves?” KC stabbed his cigarette out in the ashtray between Hollywood and me before stuffing his hands in his coat pocket, glancing to my accomplice.
“World domination,” I said. “You know, the usual.”
He laughed and clapped Hollywood on the shoulder. “I’m gonna run in and say hi to my wife. Then, we can go.”
“Sounds good, brother,” Hollywood said, pursing his lips as he looked down at me.
I waited until KC closed the door before speaking again.
“Think about why you want this . . . and why you want this from me,” I said. “Something better than because it turns you on. A strong gust of wind could do that.”
Hollywood let out a hollow chuckle. “Hilarious.”
“Let’s talk tomorrow at my place. Eight p.m.”
He grinned that Cheshire smile, ear to ear, beaming with happiness. “You got it.”
I nodded and went to move around him, but he caught my arm as I passed, pulling me in close enough for him to whisper again.
“Hey,” he said, forcing me to glance up at him. Our faces were centimeters apart, his lips so close I could taste his breath. “Thank you.”
It would have taken nothing for me to push up on my feet and close the distance, perhaps seal the deal with a kiss. His lips looked soft and mesmerizing. Instead, I nodded and turned away to go back inside, ignoring the suspicious stare from Selene still on the couch. Alba was in KC’s arms, whispering sweet nothings to him while Ru did the same with Saint farther down the hallway. I went back to my spot on the sofa, grabbed the bucket of popcorn, and focused on the main character having another meltdown. When I couldn’t stand it any longer, I glanced up at Sel.