Page 39 of Mischief Mayhem
“You can trust her,” Leo said, looking at Bear. “She hates the Roses for killing our brother, but she hates Gabriella even more.”
“Why?” I asked. “What could make her turn against your aunt?”
Leo pursed his lips, perhaps debating the best way to explain. “That is not my story to tell, but I will say if Gabriella had done to me what she did to Julia, I would have sliced her open from throat to belly button and left her for the scavengers.”
I met Bear’s gaze, and he returned it with a look that said he didn’t like this but didn’t see how we had another choice. We could kill Leo, maybe even kill Julia, but that would not give us the peace we wanted. It would only make things worse.
“We’ll be in touch,” Bear said, turning to follow Saint and Julia out of the house.
When it was just me and Leo, he smiled and held up his hands like this had been a victory.
“Bear doesn’t like being backed into a corner,” I said. “You could have told me you wanted to arrange a marriage.”
“Where would be the fun in that?” Leo laughed. “To see the look on his face when I said it was vengeance enough for all you’ve taken from me.”
“Hmm.” I narrowed my eyes before turning to leave myself.
“You disgust me,” I said to the masked man on my computer. “You and your pathetic cock, so vile. How can you stand to look at yourself in the mirror?”
My client yanked at his penis, crying into the computer while he jacked off. I saw him once a week for our sessions, and it usually ended with him sobbing and coming at the same time. As long as he kept paying me, I kept showing up.
“I’m sorry, Mistress,” he whined, tears streaking down his face, his hand stroking faster.
“You should be,” I continued. “But you can make it up to me.”
“I can?” He played along with the game.
“Come for me, you pathetic worm,” I said. “Come really hard, and I might think about giving you a compliment.”
“Oh, thank you,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He spurted all over himself and sat back against his chair to breathe down the high. “Jesus, that was good.”
I smiled, letting the praise rush over me. “You’re welcome.”
“Same time next week?” He grinned and raised his eyebrows like a hopeful puppy.
“Sure,” I said. “I want you to eat healthy foods and drink lots of water, okay? Today was a hard session.”
“Yes, Mistress,” he said. “I will.”
“You better. If I find out you aren’t hydrated for our next talk, I’ll go easier on you.”
“No,” he said, widening his eyes. These masochists, they wanted it hard all the time. “I will. I’ll drink my water and eat my protein.”
“Good.” I moved my mouse to the red button to end our session. “Take care of yourself.”
I signed off and smiled at the three grand tip he’d sent me, knowing it was some of the easiest money I’d ever made. I didn’t have any other clients for the rest of the day, so I’d just been about to sign off when a strange direct message came through my platform.
“Hey, gorgeous.”
I smirked and clicked into it, certain it was a bot. None of my clients would dare to call me gorgeous unless I asked them to, and I didn’t have my profile set to taking on new one on one sessions. I had my plate as full as I liked it, and after the Beacon reopened, I didn’t know if I would retain anyone currently on my roster. I enjoyed the work, but last night with Hollywood had changed things even if he said he was okay with me keeping my day job.
I moved my cursor to block the newcomer, but paused when the next IM came through.
“I saw you at Crimson headquarters,” the message said.