Page 16 of Searching Blind
He nodded, pressing on Zelda’s wound gently with his bandana to help stop the bleeding while Lucy fetched her first aid kit. The dog whined, but stayed still under his touch. He could feel her trembling, hear her frantic panting.
“Wait a second,” Lucy muttered, her voice tight. “Sawyer, move your hand.”
He obeyed, retracting his hand to let Lucy inspect the cut further. She gasped softly and he tensed, fingers curling into Zelda’s fur.
“What is it?” he asked, fearing the worst.
She was silent for a moment before answering, her voice heavy with disbelief. “A branch didn’t do this. The wound is too clean. Like… she was cut by a knife.”
Lucy saw the flash of pain cross Sawyer’s face, followed quickly by fury.
“Someone hurt my dog?” His voice was low, a dangerous rumble that sent a chill down Lucy’s spine.
This was not the happy, easy-going Sawyer she knew. This Sawyer was the soldier, the warrior. This Sawyer was dangerous.
He surged to his feet, his hands balling into fists at his side. “Who the fuck would do this?”
She drew a steadying breath and focused on bandaging the wound. The first thought to pop into her mind was one he definitely didn’t want to hear, but it had to be said. “What if Pierce?—”
“No.” As expected, he rejected the idea instantly. “He would never hurt an animal.”
“I’m not saying he would normally, but you seem to think he’s not acting like himself. Maybe, if he is up here, he doesn’t want to be found and just meant to scare her away.”
“He wouldn’t—” He broke off. Hesitated. Shook his head. “No. He wouldn’t hurt Zelda. He wouldn’t hurt any dog. It’s not him.”
“Well, then, if it’s not him, then there’s someone else dangerous up here with us and we need to get back to the group. There’s safety in numbers.”
Sawyer took a moment, visibly struggling with himself. His hands clenched even tighter, knuckles turning white.
“Fuck,” he finally muttered and rolled his shoulders back, shook out his hands.
Lucy’s heart went out to him. She could see how much he wanted to argue, how much it meant to him to find his friend, and how much it was killing him not being able to protect those he held dearest.
But she also saw the moment when he accepted that they couldn’t stay, not without putting themselves and the rest of their group in danger.
“Fuck,” he said again with feeling. “Can Zelda walk?”
“Yes. She’ll be all right.”
Sawyer gave a small nod, trailing his fingers lightly over the bandage Lucy had secured around Zelda’s wound. The dog gave a soft whimper, nuzzling her head into Sawyer’s hand.
“My sweet girl,” he whispered and pressed his forehead to hers before giving her a kiss between her brown eyes. Then he straightened. “Let’s go.”
They left the cover of the trees and made their way back toward the group. The rain had slowed, just as Sawyer predicted it would, softening into a misty drizzle that shrouded the dense forest in an eerie veil. Somewhere, a great horned owl hooted, the haunting notes echoing through the damp air.
Sawyer had traded his hiking pole for his white cane, using it to navigate with Zelda limping bravely beside him. Lucy followed behind, her gaze scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig set her nerves on edge.
God, she hated this.
The forest was supposed to be her refuge, her happy place. Instead, here she was, her anxiety spiking with each shadowy movement in the trees. The traumas of her past seemed to cling to the shadows, stalking her like a predator.
She’d never escape it, would she?
The man who had kidnapped her was long dead, but he’d left his black mark on her soul, a wound that ran deeper than those he’d inflicted on her body. He’d wormed his way into the roots of all she loved, turning her sanctuary into something to be feared.
She clenched her jaw, pushing down the bitter bile of anger that threatened to choke her. She wished he wasn’t dead. She wished she’d had the opportunity to face him in court, to see him trapped for life like she’d been trapped in that cave.
“Hey,” Sawyer said softly, breaking through her thoughts. “You okay?”