Page 90 of Searching Blind
Lucy had never really had one of those, but as she looked around the crowded room filled with beaming faces, raucous laughter, and the soft, occasional whine of excited dogs, she felt warm. Safe. The kind of feeling she imagined people often associated with family.
“All right, all right,” Zak finally called over the noise. “We’re all happy for them, and we’ll definitely celebrate later. But right now, we need to settle down and focus. We have a lead on Pierce.”
A grainy still from a video popped up on the main screen as everyone found their seats. It showed a man with a baseball cap pulled low over his eyes, filling up his gas tank. In the corner of the image was one furry paw hanging out the side window.
“Pierce and Raszta were spotted at a gas station in Eureka the day of the quake.” Zak paused and met each gaze for a moment before continuing. “So let’s go find our boys and bring them home.”
one week earlier: the day of the earthquake
Pierce’s past had finally caught up to him.
He’d known it was chasing him, nipping right at his heels. He’d known it was only a matter of time before it lunged, tearing open old wounds and secrets he'd tried to bury. But he hadn’t expected it to hit him like a freight train, throwing him into a situation far removed from the solitary life he’d carved for himself in Steam Valley.
He couldn’t stay.
He’d put all of his friends—his only family—in danger.
His original plan had been to hike up the mountain and disappear into the wilderness, but halfway up the trail, he’d spotted a familiar face and realized it wasn’t an option.
They knew he was here.
He had to leave Steam Valley altogether.
Probably California.
Hell, maybe the States.
If he got far enough away, maybe the past would finally stop biting.
Yeah, right, he thought.
They’d never stop looking for him. They’d never let him be. They were like hounds, relentless and unforgiving. If they smelled blood, they'd hunt him to the ends of the earth.
So Pierce returned to his comfortable apartment above a sweet old lady’s garage and packed his bag—bare minimum, essentials only. He tossed a few protein bars into the mix and filled his flask with water from the kitchen tap. He yanked his duffel bag over his shoulder, the worn leather straps fitting comfortably.
Jesus. For a few years there, he’d thought he was finally done running, finally done living out of a bag. His heart clenched at the thought. He'd found a home in Steam Valley, something he hadn't even known he was missing till he'd stumbled into it. He almost laughed at his own naivety. Who was he kidding? A man like him could never escape his sins. The sins that had marked him, scarred him, taken away his voice and his ability to indulge in pretty fantasies things like a home.
Raszta sat at his feet, panting anxiously. Smart dog knew something was up.
Picking up his keys, he headed out the door. He gave Razzy the hand signal to stay even though it broke his heart. But he couldn’t take him. It was too dangerous, and Razzy didn’t deserve that.
Pierce knelt down. Raszta’s ponytail was askew, and he took a moment to straighten it, fluffing out the dreadlocks into a ridiculous little fountain of fur. He scratched the dog's floppy ears, then pressed his forehead to Raszta’s and shockingly felt his eyes burn with tears.
Leaning back, he met Raszta’s soulful brown gaze. The understanding there cut him deep. Dogs knew more about humans than they ever let on. He gave him one last pat on the head and then stood up.
Pierce hesitated for a moment outside his front door. It felt like stepping off a cliff into an endless, dark abyss. But it was either this or put all of Steam Valley under threat. He chose to jump.
He took one last look at Redwood Coast Rescue. The complex sat on a hill across the street from his landlady’s house, and he could just make out Sawyer and Zelda walking across the field toward the trailhead at the base of the mountain.
Disappearing like this without a word was going to piss Sawyer off. He’d search for Pierce using every digital trick in his arsenal, and when he came up empty-handed, he would be frustrated. That frustration would turn to concern, possibly even fear.
But the truth was, Sawyer would always find a way to cope. That was just who he was: adaptable, resilient, unyielding. Sawyer’s resourcefulness knew no bounds. Hiding from him would prove difficult, but Pierce had always been good at disappearing.
After Sawyer got over being pissed, he’d be okay.
At the other side of the complex, by the big blue house, Zak stood with Anna, Donovan, and Sasha, dogs and kids racing happy circles in the yard around them.