Page 32 of Forbidden Lyrics
She’s had a thing for him for a long time, but her brother laid down the law when she and River first met. He explicitly ordered Riv to stay away from her. And it broke her heart. However, they’ve been sneaking around behind his back for a while now.
The question is… How do Gibbs and Jake know that?
And if they didn’t, they do now. Reese looks like she’s two seconds from breaking down the front door to get to him. I don’t blame her. She loves him. I could see it from the first moment I saw them together in this very bar. And right now, she’s scared, tired, overwhelmed, and needs her other half. Her River.
“Yeah.” Gibbs sighs. “He may have pissed off Ian when the bouncers threw him outside. Apparently, there weren’t any fists thrown or anything, but he wanted to give us a heads-up that he’s here.”
“But what’s he doing here?” Reese asks. “Milo said––”
“That he couldn’t step foot inside SeaBird. He didn’t mention being outside,” an amused Gibson clarifies.
Well, I guess that answers my question.
Milo definitely knows. And it appears that he’s drawn another line or two in the sand. But this time, River listened to his rules.
Props, buddy.
“It’s your call, though, Jake,” Gibbs tells him. “If you want to take her instead of handing her off to Riv, you can use my car. But he sounded pretty distraught after seeing Ian thrown out on his ass and would like to see Reese to make sure she’s okay.”
Confused, I peek at Jake and Reese, who is holding her breath.
Why would Jake care what River and Reese do?
He’s not her keeper. I stick a pin in the thought and wait for the rest of the chaos to play out in front of me.
“River’s never distraught,” Jake mutters after a few tense seconds.
“Yeah, well, tonight he is,” Gibson replies. “Might be good for him to spend a few minutes with Reese after everything that went down, don’t you think?”
My attention shifts from one person to the next, desperate to figure out what the heck is going on while fighting my guilt for sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong.
“Please, Jake?” Reese pleads, her request laced with a desperation that almost breaks me.
What. Is. Going. On?
He exhales and pinches the bridge of his nose, mulling it over as Reese waits with bated breath.
“Let me walk you out,” he finally decides, clearly defeated.
“Thank you,” she breathes out.
With his hand pressed to her lower back, Jake guides Reese through the crowded bar, and they disappear through the exit.
Once they’re out of sight, I ask, “What was that about?”
Gibson glances over at me. “It’s complicated.”
Yeah, I figured that part out.
Arms folded, I rock back on my heels while trying to rein in my curiosity, but it’s pretty much impossible. “She’s one of my best friends, Gibbs. Is she… Is she going to be okay?”
He sighs and looks back at the exit. “I hope so.”
“I-is Milo okay?” I press.
Cocking his head, he demands, “Why do you ask?”
“Because you made it sound like he knows about Reese and Riv.”