Page 51 of Pucks and Likes
I don’t say anything or even glance at Dan as she looks up at him. Instead, I take in her profile, how her lashes make her eyes seem darker than they are. How she has a little button nose and cherubic cheeks that I hope our child inherits. How her lips pout in such a way that I wish they were around my cock instead of defending what we have.
She clears her throat and presses her hand into mine as she locks eyes with her grandfather. I’m not sure if it’s for support or to keep me calm. “The last time you tried this, you almost lost Austen. Unlike her, I can’t go to the Assassins and take a job, but don’t tempt me. I am the best thing in this damn social media department, and it would drown without me. I am the brains and the muscle of the whole operation. And it doesn’t matter who knocked me up. The fact of the matter is, I’m having a baby in three months’ time, and it’s with this guy right here.” She hooks a thumb at me. “I know you don’t want more hockey players in your family, but here we are. I won’t apologize for it, but I will apologize for keeping the pregnancy from you for so long. I had every intention of telling you sooner, but I had to wait to tell him first.”
I don’t know why I’m so protective. It’s as if I forgot that Elliot can and will stand up for herself.
It’s fucking hot.
A cocky grin curves my lips as I look back at Dan. I don’t know if she realizes it, but she just openly claimed me. I hold in my excitement as Dan sputters before us, “You’re due in three months—what the hell? Why didn’t you tell me? Do the girls know?”
“I just told them, but apparently they knew.”
“How? Why did you hide this?” he asks, his voice not as aggressive as hurt fills his features. “I would have helped you.”
I sense that Elliot wants him to meet his great-grandchild, so I try to tread lightly as I add, “She didn’t need help. She’s more than capable of taking care of herself and our child.” I lean in, bringing her into my side. “She’s done great alone, but she won’t have to anymore. She has me. And, I hope…you.”
I feel her gaze on me, but I don’t look down at her. She’ll probably tell me to chill. Dan’s annoyed gaze falls on me, and he asks in a low voice, “Do you plan on making an honest woman of my granddaughter?”
I see Elliot roll her eyes, and I scoff. Marrying me wouldn’t make her even a little honest, my dirty girl, but I can’t tell him that. “When we’re ready, yes. We are navigating what our future will be, and when she’s ready, nothing will stop me from putting a ring on that finger of hers. Until then, we are taking everything one day at a time.” Even with his murderous gaze on me, I only feel Elliot’s, and when I look down at her, such appreciation shines in her sweet gaze. I don’t look away as I add, “But don’t think that just because we aren’t married that she isn’t mine or that I won’t be there for our child. They are all that matters to me now.”
Her mouth parts ever so slightly as she breathes, “Alex.”
I flash her a small smile before looking back at Dan. “This is a lot to take in, and I apologize if you’re overwhelmed by it all. I had hoped to tell you over dinner and ease you into everything, but you snuck up on us. Like I said, I’ll keep my hands to myself when we’re in the arenas, but remember, nothing will come between us.”
Not even Elliot herself.
“Cruz!” We all turn at Coach’s booming voice. His brows are pulled in tight, his irritated expression just for me. Great. “What on God’s green earth are you doing? Get your ass in here and get ready!”
“Aye, sir. I’m a-coming,” I call back just to taunt him, before looking back at Dan. “Can we take you to dinner?”
He’s still breathing hard, his gaze moving between the two of us before he sets Elliot with a look I don’t really care for. “I need to speak to my granddaughter.”
I hesitate, not wanting to leave her alone, but I do need to go play some hockey and make my girl proud. And secure my spot so Dan doesn’t kick me to the curb for defiling his granddaughter and knocking her up. I lean into Elliot, my lips against her ear. “I know he can’t talk you out of being with me, but guarantee me anyway.”
I sound pathetic. I know I do, but I can’t help it. I feel her cheeks lift as she squeezes my hand at her hip. “I guarantee it,” she says softly, kissing the spot below my ear. “Go win.”
I kiss the shell of her ear. “Is that a demand?”
She turns and presses her lips to my ear. “Yes. One that will be rewarded tonight.”
My heart clenches as I pull back to look down at her. Her cheeks are full of color, her eyes bright but reserved as she looks up at me. I tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Her lips curve as she presses her hand into my chest. “Good luck.”
I don’t let her push me away. I take her hand as her eyes follow every moment I make. I kiss each of her fingers, then her palm, before leaning in to kiss those lips I love so much. The kiss is not as deep as I’d like but enough to prove that I’m not going anywhere. To her, to me, and to Peepaw.
When I part from her, a flush is crawling up her slender neck as her eyes burn with desire. “Thanks, mami.” I squeeze her hand once more, giving her one last look before I glance back at Dan. “See you soon, Peepaw.”
Elliot snorts as Dan sends daggers at me with his eyes, but I walk away.
Confident as fuck.
Because Elliot guaranteed me.
Alex helped win the game with a shutout.
He let not one of the thirty-one shots get past him.