Page 60 of Pucks and Likes
Dr. Riley looks back at me. “And you’re sure he is the father?”
“Hey, you can go f?—”
I slap my hand over Alex’s mouth, but even I glare at Dr. Riley. “I am very sure, thank you.”
He nods, marking something. “I’d like to do another ultrasound, make sure the baby is growing and its organs are developing correctly.”
“Thank you.”
He reaches for the gloves as he continues, “I’m going to check on your cervix, and then we’ll be done here.”
I look over at Alex and smile. His eyes are trained on Dr. Riley, so I grab his jaw to make him look at me. “What do you think it is?”
“A girl,” he says softly, his eyes melting into mine. “A girl as gorgeous as you.”
I grin. “I think so too.” I grimace a bit at the pressure, and alarm fills Alex’s face. I shake my head at him. “I’m fine. Really.”
Dr. Riley pats my knee. “All good and all done. Anything else?” he asks with annoyance in his voice, and wow, I might look for another doctor.
“I have a question.” My spine goes ramrod straight as I look at Alex. I beg him not to ask anything stupid or threatening. “Her anxiety has been a bit much for her, and I am worried it’s getting worse. If she chooses, can she go back on her meds?”
Why does my heart melt at his words? And why is he just the sweetest pain in my ass? Dr. Riley looks at me and then down at my chart. He brings his lip between his teeth and hisses a bit. “There have been a lot of changes apparently, with you returning to her life, so maybe we should wait for two weeks to see if her anxiety evens out.”
“It’s not because of me,” he says confidently. “Not saying I don’t drive her nuts—I do—but it’s mainly the intrusive thoughts.”
Dr. Riley cuts his gaze to me. “Thoughts?”
I shrug. “They have been a bit much.”
“Since when?”
“Since I stopped taking my meds, I’ve only been feeling like half myself, but I thought that was because of not having contact with Alex and all the life changes. However, I’ve accepted them, and I’m still having issues.”
He nods, glancing back at the chart. “I don’t want you on what you were on before your pregnancy, but I can prescribe you something else if you’d like.”
I surprise myself when I look to Alex for guidance. His eyes are so kind, so supportive, as he nods. “No one says you have to take them, but they’ll be there if you want them.”
I swallow hard and I wait for the panic to suffocate me, but it doesn’t. Not when I’m lost in Alex’s eyes. “Okay.”
“Okay. I’ll send the prescription over to your pharmacy. Anything else?”
If this dude says “anything else” one more time like I’m a damn burden, I’m gonna let Alex at him.
Alex helps me sit up and stands beside me as I ask, “We’d like to know the sex of our baby, please.”
Alex threads his fingers with mine, and I grin up at him before we both look back at Dr. Riley, who is flipping through the file. He finds what he’s looking for and nods. “A boy.”
Emotion clogs my throat, and when I look up at Alex, he’s just as shocked as I am. I grin like a fool, but then I see a single tear roll down his face.
My heart stops.
But before I can react, Alex has me in his arms, kissing me fully on the mouth. The kiss is deep, wanton, and so very hot. My heart soars as I get lost in his kiss, and when we part, we’re both breathless and have tears in our eyes.
“We’re going to have a son.”
“A boy.”
The emotion is bright in his eyes, and it does something to me to know that I’m the reason for it.