Page 69 of Pucks and Likes
My chest cracks at that, and my heart spills out. I was on such high alert to prepare for her to hate me, to think I was the dirt on her shoes, but once again, I was wrong. There is only love in her eyes. As she pulls me toward the door, Alex chuckles behind me.
When I glance back, he’s smiling smugly. “Told you.”
I fall even deeper in love with him.
I love the wide-eyed look Elliot gets when she takes in her surroundings.
I press my lips against her temple before I whisper, “Sorry about this again.”
Her lips curve as she looks up at me from where she sits in my lap. Her legs are crossed, and my arms are around her middle as we look out at the backyard packed with my immediate family and extended family. What was supposed to be a quiet evening with my mom has turned into a full-blown fiesta. Within two hours, everyone I know showed up with food and drinks to meet my girl and see “where my grandson is growing.”
There has been a lot of, “This is my new daughter. Isn’t she skinny compared to Gordo? But so gorgeous, yes?’
Of course, Elliot is eating it up and giggling at every turn, and I am loving every single second of it.
“You thought this would happen, and I’m having a blast.”
I kiss her again. “Good.”
When my brothers appear in front of us, I tense up. They tease me relentlessly as older brothers do, but I don’t want them upsetting Elliot. No one but Mom knows that Elliot didn’t tell me about the baby until recently. Everyone thinks we just wanted to tell Mom in person, but I know my brothers are suspicious since I’m very close with my mom. Santiago sets me with a look, his eyes more wrinkled with laugh lines than the last time I saw him. We are both very tall and broad. We actually look the most alike, taking after our mom with our caramel eyes and thick lashes. Hugo and Mario are smaller than us, still mirroring our mother but leaner. Thankfully, none of us looks like our sperm donor.
It gives me hope that my son will come out looking exactly like Elliot.
“Mija, you have to dance with us,” Santiago tells my girl. “It’s tradition you choose your favorite brother to dance with.”
I scoff. “At the wedding, not a party! She doesn’t know you fools!”
Mario looks between us. “I thought you got married? No?”
“No. She isn’t ready,” I say simply, and I feel her gaze on me.
“Ah, but you are,” Santiago teases. “Don’t worry. I’d make him wait too. He’s a spoiled shit.”
I glare as Elliot giggles.
Hugo says, “Fine, just choose me. I’ll be your favorite, and my wife chose Gordo at our wedding.”
I bark out a laugh. “All your wives chose me. I’m the best-looking, smartest, and most successful of us all. And if she’s choosing anyone to dance with, it’s me. Now, move.”
My brothers don’t like that as I lift Elliot out of my lap and thread our fingers together. They complain, calling her to them, but my girl only has eyes for me. Eyes that are dancing with excitement and, dare I say it, love?
I think so.
A fuzzy feeling burns in my chest when “Hasta el Amanecer” by Nicky Jam starts. A slow grin moves across my lips as I bring her in, our bodies pressed tightly together as I grip her left ass cheek, swaying our hips to the music. Her eyes are bright, laughter escaping her lips as I grind against her sweet, wanton body, and when I set her with a hooded gaze, a blush spreads across her cheeks.
Fuck, she’s beautiful.
I sing to her as we dance to the music, bringing my other hand up to hold her nape as she gazes up at me, her lips parted and heat in her eyes. Unlike some women who wouldn’t know what to do with their hands, Elliot slings hers around my neck, moving with me as if she has been dancing like this since she was born. I take my hand off her ass, reaching for her hand before I spin her out then pull her back in so that her ass is against me as we sway to the beat. I nip the shell of her ear before whispering, “We will have to dance once you have our boy, so nothing is between us when I grind against you.”
Her lips curve as she cups my jaw. “That’s the first time you’ve mentioned something for after our son comes.”
“Didn’t want to spook ya,” I say, nipping on her lobe. “But know, I think of the time after he comes a lot.” I spin her out once more then bring her right back where I want her. That sweet ass traps my swollen cock between her cheeks. I groan against her ear, and when her tongue peeks out to lick those lips, I’m ten seconds from dragging her into the house. “I think of how I’ll spoil you rotten for giving me the best gift in the world. How we’ll take turns waking up with him and changing diapers. How I’ll want to make sure to help the most since, when the season starts, I won’t be home as much as I want.” I feel her tense at that, and I kiss her ear. “Don’t. Don’t do that to us.”
I spin her around, pressing her flush to me as I grab her face, our foreheads touching. I cradle her stomach in my hands and gaze into her eyes. Her eyes are sparkling with unshed tears, and my chest burns.