Page 105 of Vampire's Choice
“I have spoken to Jonah. It is a chance to prove what I already know. You are being offered the invitation to serve as an angel. Will you accept?”
Most of the people in the tent didn’t understand how significant an offer Marcellus was making, but Ruth did. Merc’s gaze moved to her. Her hands curled as she realized he was looking at her because it was a significant issue. Something that would impact both of them, if they were moving forward together.
Merc’s gaze returned to Marcellus’s. His answer was cautious, but positive. “How I perform this task…it will tell me more about whether serving the Goddess is my destiny. The blood of the incubus is strong and has its say, too.”
“The formal vampire world has protocols,” Yvette said. “It would be wise for a vampire to accompany you.”
“I’ll go with him,” Ruth said.
She’d jumped to the front of that line before Adan could do more than open his mouth. But it didn’t make him close it. “That’s not a great idea.”
Merc faced her brother. “No harm will come to her. You have my word.”
“No offense, but there are things required of her in our society that you can’t influence. Not without damaging her standing in it, and ironically making her even more vulnerable when you’re not around.”
Merc inclined his head. “Which is why she’ll do as Marcellus suggested. She’ll third mark me.”
She managed to hold her tongue as Dollar resumed the security briefing. She was proud of herself for not telling everyone making foregone conclusions about her life and her decisions—including one overbearing angel incubus—to go fuck themselves.
When they were done, Maddock cleared his throat, glancing between her and Merc. “Marcellus, you, Adan and I can meet with Clara now, if that suits her. Yvette, should we cast a protection spell on the immediate area so no permanent property damage is done in our absence?”
“You are not helping.” Yvette’s attention shifted to Ruth. “A human servant must choose to become one. But taking a servant is also a vampire’s choice. One never to be treated lightly. Especially when the relationship will be far different than one with a human servant. I trust the discussion about it will be civil. Or at least won’t damage anything I paid good money for.”
“I’ll do my best, my lady,” Ruth said courteously. “But breaking through a skull shellacked with testosterone often requires Newton’s Third Rule.”
Yvette’s golden eyes gleamed. “Your honesty is appreciated.”
“I think you should take Merc to the sanctuary,” Adan said unexpectedly. “Let him meet Etsi and Sgidoda. Have your discussion there.”
In the place you feel most balanced, in control of who and what you want to be. Home.
He understood her too well. Ruth met his gaze. “Is there time?”
“Yes,” Yvette said. “Lady Kaela is finishing up a quarterly meeting with the vampires in her territory. The Trad will not come back to Lady Kaela’s home until it is over, no earlier than the day after tomorrow.”
“There’s a portal route to California,” Adan said. “I’ll make sure it’s configured for you so you can take it from the sanctuary, when it’s time to go.”
Impressive use of Newton reference, he noted. You were paying attention when we were home schooled.
Don’t get too impressed. It’s something Etsi said about Da. And Kohana agreed.
“Won’t you need…” She’d intended to ask Yvette if her and Merc’s absence would leave the Circus and Clara short on security needs, but the answer to that question, at least as it concerned her, was crushingly obvious. There were plenty of assets to protect Clara.
“You talking to that Trad sounds important,” Dollar said. “So it’s best to get yourself in the right headspace for it. You’re not going to lose your spot. You’ve proven yourself valuable to the team. Watch your ass, so it can get back here in one piece.”
It moved her, more than she could say. “Before you leave, I’m sure Clara would appreciate seeing you,” Marcellus added.
“Okay. I’ll do that, and then we’ll go to my home. Agreed?” She directed that to Merc. He nodded.
“See how that worked?” she said sweetly. “I suggested a plan of action and sought your input.”
She stalked up to him, close enough to poke a finger against his chest, her eyes snapping with the temper she’d kept banked. “It’s like Lady Yvette said. When it comes to a third mark, no one is making that decision for me. Period. That’s different from…the other things between us. A Trad isn’t the only one who has a line they won’t be pulled across.”
She was aware of her brother’s regard, and those in the tent, but what mattered was the male who stared down at her. “I will break myself in pieces first, and all you’ll get is the meat of what’s left. If that matters to you, then meet me at the portal in about thirty minutes. If not, take Adan to see Kaela and do what needs to be done. I’ll stay here.”
Turning on the ball of her foot, she exited the tent.
If Yvette and Marcellus hadn’t had more things to go over with him, Ruth suspected that Merc might have had a response beyond a curt nod. Adan had remained in the tent, so later she might ask him how Merc reacted.