Page 176 of Vampire's Choice
Still not a hundred percent angel, he told her firmly. Plus, I already interfered today. I believe in setting new trends.
She closed her eyes, shook her head. I know there’s a lot of emotional shit happening today. Her heart and knees trembled with that surfeit, but she used the words and her hold on him, and his on her, to send him the next thought. But I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.
Good. If you weren’t, I would be very annoyed with you.
“Though Council has voted, the matter of Lady Kaela and her servant Garron is being called back for discussion. Please have them brought before Council.”
Lyssa stood at the center chair. The Council members filled the seats on either side of her at the crescent-shaped table, their servants along the wall across from them. Ruth sat in the same chair she’d occupied before, only now Merc stood behind her, his knuckles against the back of her shoulder where his hand gripped the top of the chair.
They weren’t the only non-Council members here. Daegan, Anwyn and Gideon were present, as were Lord Brian and Debra, standing a few paces away from her and Merc. Lord Brian gave Ruth a kind but assessing look, making sure she was all right. A reminder that he was a doctor as well as a scientist.
Kaela and Garron were escorted back in. Escorted, not dragged. Though Garron still favored his damaged arm and hand, the breaks were healing, and his wounds were gone, thanks to the nourishment his Mistress had given him. He’d also fed her, because Kaela was no longer pale and she decidedly did not look weak.
The overlord wore ivory-colored slacks and a blue silk blouse, her red hair in an artful twist on her head, business attire for a business meeting. She was composed, though her dignified carriage and expressionless face likely held a wealth of emotions. Garron was in a white dress shirt and black jeans, his face warrior hard, equally impossible to read. Except to his Mistress.
The next person to speak surprised everyone. It drew all eyes toward Ruth.
Because it was Merc.
“I would say something, if it is allowed.”
“After what I observed in the Trad compound, I fail to see how I could stop you if it wasn’t,” Lyssa said dryly. “But since a great debt is owed to you, my lord, the least we can do is allow you to address our Council.”
Ruth felt the hitch in Merc’s mind at the ‘my lord,’ from the Council queen. He hadn’t expected that. But he let it stand and pressed forward. “When I joined you to retrieve your offspring, I said it was not my angel blood that mattered today. It was what Ruth needed.”
His gaze moved briefly to the servants, coming back to Ruth. “From this point forward, it will always be what Ruth needs. I’m her marked servant. I’m also her Master, her protector, the male bound to her in every way. That is what she desires.”
He wouldn’t state it more blatantly, not without her being on board with it, but she was okay with the closer step to the truth. Hell, with the way she was feeling today, she was ready to wear it on a T-shirt.
I’m a submissive female vampire. If you have a problem with that, go fuck yourself. I’ll live or die as who I am.
Merc stroked the sensitive pocket of her collar bone, helping Ruth to settle as he continued. “All the strengths and abilities I have will go toward that. What I have left over can serve angel kind, if that is acceptable to them. If it is not…” his gaze sharpened, “then they will have to deal with it. Thank you. That is all.”
Lady Carola pursed her lips. “However we might feel about this pairing, or the reasons behind it, he is more powerful than her. And not of our race. This…”
She looked toward Kaela and Garron with obvious displeasure. “He is human. Weaker. If she subjects herself to his rule on vampire matters…”
“Has there been verifiable evidence presented on that?” Lady Lyssa interjected. “An overlord’s actions speak for themselves. When the excesses and failures become too obvious, it is hard to disguise, as her predecessor proved. Most of you felt the disgruntled vampire in her territory had no real proof, and that Lady Kaela has been an exceptional overlord. Correct?”
“It doesn’t change the possibility of influence,” Carola said. “There is no precedent for this kind of…relationship, and there is a very good reason for that.”
“My lords and ladies, may I speak?” Lady Kaela asked.
At Lyssa’s questioning brow, Carola shrugged and sat back. “I am done. For the moment.”
Lyssa nodded. “You have the floor, Lady Kaela.”
“With respect, she’s no longer an overlord,” Lord Stewart said. “The title was stripped with the ruling.
Lyssa sent Stewart a flat look. “Lady Kaela earned the title. It is my personal decision to continue to respect it.”
Lord Stewart’s face tightened, but he inclined his head, ceding the point.
“Garron is requesting permission to address you,” Kaela said. “I would ask your forbearance in allowing it.”
“The question is why would you allow it,” Carola said sharply. “This is a prime example…”
“A condemned prisoner of the worst sort is allowed last words on the gallows,” Lord Walton said unexpectedly. “It is almost inevitable that this day will end with the man’s death. I have dealt with Garron many times, and he has always acted appropriately and with courtesy. Give him his two minutes.”