Page 180 of Vampire's Choice
Would the rules radically change things? She heard in the language nuances that might keep many things the same. Enforcement retained plenty of discretion.
Ruth also recalled Elisa’s response, that it made no difference. She would be what Mal needed, because she was in his heart and soul. He was her Master, and she loved him. But he loved her, too.
The rules weren’t for the Mals and Elisas. They were for those who didn’t find their way to that deep bond. They were to protect them from mistakes, from cruelty. The document’s most important purpose was acknowledging the servant’s right to have that protection.
It would also give those like Kaela and Garron, Ruth and Merc, Adan and Catriona, and all vampires and servants, the room to explore what their relationship could be, how it could serve the vampire world as much as themselves, rather than assuming it couldn’t.
Making room for change and growth, as Lady Lyssa said. Setting that path down into law was a vital beginning.
The absurdity isn’t acknowledging the love between vampire and third marked servant. The absurdity is denying it’s always been there, for many of us who have been fortunate enough to discover just how deep and strong that bond can become. I would argue that in most cases, such a bond strengthens the vampire in ways that help protect our race, not weaken it.
Lady Danny had said that, during a late evening fireside chat with her father. Elisa had been brushing Danny’s hair, Dev sitting on the hearth, watching firelight glint off his lady’s blond locks. The look they shared…there’d been no disagreement in the room that night. Only relief to be among those who understood it.
Ruth had been in her early teens, half asleep with her head on her father’s thigh, his hand resting on her hip. She looked toward Danny now. When the female vampire’s gaze shifted to Ruth, they were both remembering Elisa. Thinking about how she would have felt about this.
Emrey was done. He rolled up the scroll and stood at attention, waiting for the Council’s next direction. Lyssa glanced left and right. “Any final changes? It’s been through…how many revisions?”
She glanced at Emrey.
“Two hundred and three, my lady.”
“Two hundred and three,” she repeated. “For the love of God and Goddess, let’s stop flogging this and make a decision. A two thirds majority to pass, as agreed for a change in our laws.”
“Agreed,” Lord Walton said, and the others nodded.
“If passed,” Mason noted, “the language should apply to the matter of Lady Kaela and Garron. To do otherwise would seem more like a vendetta than sound wisdom.”
“Alternatively, it is not law until it is passed. So flouting our law is behavior that shouldn’t be encouraged. Even if the law is later changed.”
“I don’t disagree with that,” Lord Walton said. “But in light of recent events…” He looked toward Ruth, then Lyssa and Mason. “We have had terrible loss and hard-won victories today, Carola. And nothing about Lady Kaela’s behavior suggests she is flouting anything. She kept this matter behind closed doors, between her and her servant, until a member of her own territory saw an opportunity to betray her.”
“It is a moot point.” Lord Stewart shook his head. “I do not believe it will pass.”
“Not to fly in the face of Lord Stewart’s conviction, but I vote to approve. Each member indicate yea or nay when called upon.” Lyssa glanced to her left. “I will start with you, Lord Belizar.
Belizar drummed thick fingers on the table. His brows were drawn down again, his expression even more forbidding than Ruth suspected was the norm. With his words, however, she realized it was an expression of deep thought, not aggression.
“As everyone knows, I have opposed this document since its inception. Change in our world must be undertaken with great caution. My relationships with my servants do not go outside of traditional boundaries, as I feel is appropriate. My servant is content with that, and I treat him well. With the respect his service deserves.”
Vincent, the servant in question, bowed his head in respect to his Master. He was a thin male with steady, sharp gray eyes. Ruth didn’t sense disagreement from him about Belizar’s assessment.
“Exactly,” Lady Carola said. “Wilhelm serves his Mistress as tradition demands, and it is an honor to him.”
She received a similar acknowledgement from the handsome blond male standing next to Belizar’s servant, but Ruth thought she detected a trace of yearning in his gaze. As if he wished Carola was willing to be more to him. But then it was gone.
“However,” Belizar noted, “We have seen matters over these past couple decades that suggest that is not the case for all.”
His gaze moved to Jessica, startling Lord Mason’s servant, but she straightened under his regard. Lord Mason’s attention sharpened on Belizar.
“When I first learned of your treatment under your first master, I was indifferent to it,” Belizar said to her. “Until I learned more details. I have seen how you support Lord Mason, with a devotion and intelligence that is a credit to any servant. Your choice was taken from you, but when it was given back, you became everything we desire in a servant. You would have been a good InhServ, Jessica.”
“Thank you, my lord. I’m glad to belong to my lord Mason.”
“Yes.” Belizar glanced at the male in question, noting Mason’s narrowed eyes. “Stand down, Lord Mason. I’m paying her a compliment. And you,” he acknowledged. His attention returned to Lyssa. “I do not know if I support this document, but I have taken a lot on faith under your leadership, my lady. I have not yet been unacceptably disappointed.”
Lyssa’s lips twitched. “I will strive to keep meeting those high expectations.”
“I suppose you will.” Belizar turned to the others. “Walton and Welles, while you are still on the fence, I believe your thinking on it has been altering along the lines of mine. Helga, I know where your mind and vote rests. You made it amply clear earlier.”