Page 23 of Only You
“I will, my friend. I’ll talk to you soon. Don’t run my company into the ground while I’m gone.”
“I’ll do my best, Alex.” He chuckled.
Mara, Lucy, and I sat in the chairs as my mother’s casket was lowered into the ground. Residents of Harbor Falls gathered to pay their respects to the woman who ran the town after my father passed away but then went into seclusion after her cancer diagnosis. Even though she was my mother, it was hard to feel anything about her passing.
I couldn’t help but steal small glances at Hannah as she stood with Katherine, her husband, Colin, and the woman I presumed was his girlfriend.
“This concludes our service. May you all go in peace and enjoy the luncheon over at the Seaside Bar and Grille,” the minister said.
Everyone began to disperse. Walking over to Colin, we lightly hugged.
“Thank you for coming,” I said.
“Alex, this is my girlfriend, Adalyn. Adalyn, Alex Harbor.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Adalyn. I hear you own the art gallery.”
“I do. You must stop in sometime.”
“I definitely will.” I smiled. “Hello, Hannah.”
“Hello, Alex.” A beautiful smile crossed her lips.
“Mr. Harbor, I’m Luis, and this is my husband, Alfred. We’re Adalyn and Colin’s besties. We’re so sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you, Luis. Please, call me Alex.”
“And who is this gorgeous young lady?” Luis asked.
“I’m Lucy.”
“I love that name, sweet child.” Luis winked at her.
“Alex.” Ralph walked over and placed his hand on my back. “We need to meet after the luncheon.”
“Sure thing, Ralph.”
“Alex.” Annie walked over and hugged me. “Look at you. All grown up.” She smiled.
“Hello, Annie. It’s been a long time. Jerry.” I extended my hand. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Good to see you too, Alex.”
“And who is this little guy?” I asked as she held a baby in her arms.
“This is our son, Noah.”
“He’s adorable.”
“We should start heading over to the Seaside,” Colin said, patting my back.
Lucy and I climbed into the back of the limo.
“You sure know a lot of people here,” she said.