Page 41 of Only You
“Okay.” I smiled.
Owen stared at me as we walked into the kitchen.
“What?” I laughed.
“That is not the same girl who lives in Chicago. She looks—happy.”
I sighed. “I know. She really likes it here.” I opened the refrigerator and grabbed two bottles of beer. “Let’s go down to the beach.”
“Man, this sure is beautiful,” Owen said. “I can see why Lucy is happy here. Who wouldn’t be with this view, saltwater air, the house? I also notice a bit of difference in you.”
“I will admit that being back here is pleasant now that my mother is gone. I’ve missed parts of this place. I spent three hours out here last night thinking.”
“Staying here. Of course, I’d still go back to Chicago monthly.”
“Are you serious, Alex? You’d move back here?”
“What choice do I have, Owen? You’ve seen Lucy. If I take her back to Chicago now, it’ll make things worse. There are only a couple of months left of school. I would enroll her here, and then she can start fresh in the fall.”
“Who would care for her when you fly back and forth to Chicago?”
“I’m hoping Mara will. If not, I’ll have to hire a nanny.”
“Hey, Dad?” I heard Lucy’s voice from behind.
I turned and looked at her.
“When is Hannah moving in?”
“Next weekend, why?”
“I was just wondering. Can I go in the water?”
“I thought you were in the pool,” I said.
“I want to go into the ocean.”
“Now isn’t a good time, kiddo.”
“Dad, come on!” she whined.
“I said NO!” I shouted.
She turned and ran back to the house, opening the sliding door and slamming it shut.
“Alex, come on?—”
“Don’t!” I spoke through gritted teeth, pointing at him. “I can’t.”
“And you can’t never let her go into the water. For fuck’s sake, man. What did you expect when you brought her here? You knew damn well she’d want to swim in the ocean. She’s a kid.”
Rubbing the back of my neck, I lowered my head. “I’m too scared, Owen.”
“I know you are.” He placed his hand on my shoulder. “But you have to let go of what happened to Athena. It wasn’t your fault.”
I stared at him for a moment. “I better go talk to her.”