Page 44 of Only You
“I am not moving in with Alex. I’m renting his guesthouse.”
“Who is this Alex?”
“His family owns the town,” I said. “He has a beautiful guesthouse, and he’s renting it out. I saw it, I fell in love with it, so I said yes.”
“She went on a date with him. He rented a private helicopter and took her to dinner in Charleston.”
“He’s rich?” My mother’s brow arched.
“Considering his family owns the town, and he runs his own real estate company in Chicago, yes. I’ll call Luis and tell him I’m not working today. Let’s go to the Seaside for lunch.” Adalyn smiled. “Colin will be excited to see both of you.”
“I want to hear more about this rich man.” My mother slyly smiled, hooking her arm around mine.
We climbed into Adalyn’s car and drove to the Seaside Bar & Grille. Stepping through the door, Colin was shocked when he saw our mom and Antonio. I was shocked when I saw Alex sitting at a table with some guy. Our eyes met, and a smile crossed his lips. He stood up and walked over to where we stood, leaning in and kissing my cheek.
“Hi.” I smiled. “Mom. Antonio. This is Alex Harbor. Alex, this is my mother, Adriana, and her boyfriend, Antonio.”
“Why hello there.” A bright grin crossed my mother’s lips.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Adriana.” Alex smiled.
“I’m a hugger.” She grabbed him and pulled him into her. I wanted to die of humiliation.
After shaking Antonio’s hand, Alex asked if I would come over to his table for a minute.
“I’d like you to meet someone,” he spoke.
Walking over to his table, he introduced me to his friend.
“Hannah, this is Owen, best friend and vice president of my company in Chicago. Owen, this is Hannah James.”
“I was hoping I’d get to meet you, Hannah.” Owen extended his hand. “Alex told me you’ll be renting out his guesthouse.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Owen. And yes, I’m moving in next weekend.” I smiled.
“I’m sure you’ll love it there.”
“Can I talk to you for a minute,” Alex asked, leading me to the bar. “I didn’t know your mom was coming to Harbor Falls. I was hoping we could have dinner together later.”
“Oh, we still can. She’s going to be here for a few days.”
“Excellent. I’ll pick you up at seven o’clock.” He smiled, and I melted.
“What about Lucy?” I asked.
“She’s spending the night at her friend’s house.”
“Ah, okay. I’ll see you at seven.” I smiled, walking away, my belly fluttering.
“Look at our girl—going on her second dinner date with the sexy Mr. Harbor.” Luis grinned.
“Stop that.” I lightly patted his arm as I walked past him. “He should be here any second.”
“I wonder if he’ll wine and dine you in Charleston again tonight.” Adalyn smirked.
“I think he’s a very handsome man.” My mother smiled.