Page 76 of Only You
Rachelle climbed off me, and I sat up, looking straight at the water. I immediately stood up, screamed Athena’s name, ran into the water, and began looking for her.
“Athena! Athena, this isn’t funny!” I shouted.
“Alex, where is she?” Rachelle screamed.
“I don’t know! Call 911 now!”
I dove under the water but couldn’t see her. My heart pounded out of my chest, and fear paralyzed me.
“Please, God. I beg you. Let my sister be okay.”
Within minutes, the police stood at the shore, yelling for me to get out of the water.
“Alex, what happened?” Mark, one of the officers, asked.
“Athena was in the water, and when I turned around, she was gone. Please, find her, Mark.” I grabbed his shirt.
“Calm down. I see the Coast Guard approaching. We’ll find her, son.”
An hour later, the Coast Guard found Athena’s body. He told me that Athena likely got caught in a rip current. I was shaking, and all I could think about was my mother. When she arrived home, she ran out the sliding door and down to the beach, where they had covered Athena’s body with a blanket. The screams I heard coming from my mother were earth-shattering. She threw herself over Athena’s body and hugged her tight while sobbing. Then she turned to me.
“This is all your fault!” She screamed hysterically. “You were supposed to be watching her! Why weren’t you watching her?!”
I gasped for a breath as my eyes flew open. My heart beat out of my chest, and I was soaked, as was the bedding. Climbing out of bed, I went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. Gripping the sink, I stared at myself in the mirror.
“It should have been you, not your sister. After what you’ve done, you don’t deserve to be happy, ever. You only deserve the misery and pain I’ve felt every single day since her death!” I heard my mother’s words as if she was standing next to me.
She was right—always right. I didn’t deserve to be happy. Why would I get to be happy when my sister died because of me? She doesn’t get to be happy here anymore. She hadn’t even begun to live her life and was taken away from us too soon. All because I cared more about a girl and getting laid than watching my thirteen-year-old sister like I promised my mother I would.
Walking downstairs, I poured myself a scotch and took it out to the patio, taking in the fresh air to help open my constricted lungs. I stared at the guesthouse and tipped the glass to my lips, remembering how being with Hannah made me happy. Happier than I’d ever been. Guilt rose up inside me as tears stung my eyes. I threw the rest of the amber liquid down my throat and went inside.
After parking the car, I walked up to the shop and smiled, staring at the Blooming Beauty sign that hung above. I was at the shop by eight a.m., making sure everything was perfect before I opened the doors at ten. Mary showed up around nine o’clock with two coffees in her hand.
“You are a Godsend. Thank you.” I smiled.
“You’re welcome. Thank you for hiring me.”
“I think we’ll make a great team,” I said, hooking my arm around her. Another shipment of flowers is arriving today, so when they arrive, we’ll need to sort them and put them into the coolers.”
“Are you planning on hiring more people?” Mary asked.
“Yeah. That’s why I’m leaving the help wanted sign in the window.”
Residents were lined up in front of the shop, waiting for the doors to open. When ten o’clock hit, I walked over, unlocked the door, and let everyone inside.
“Welcome to Blooming Beauty.” I smiled.
“Look at this place. It’s beautiful, darling.” Luis hugged me.
“Ah, I love flowers.” Alfred smiled, hugging me.
“Thank you for coming in.”
I kept watching the door, waiting for Alex. I figured he would have stopped by already. I was behind the counter helping Mary when I heard the bell above the door. Looking up, Adalyn walked in.