Page 80 of Only You
“Ah, and three’s a crowd, right?”
She slowly nodded her head.
“Your dad loves you more than anything, Lucy. Nothing or no one could ever take him away from you.”
“He likes you, you know.” She glanced at me.
“And I like him.” I smiled. “We’ve both had big changes in our lives, and it’s not easy adjusting to change.”
“Why did you give up your job in New York and move here?” she asked.
I wasn’t sure if telling her the real reason was right, but I didn’t want to lie to her.
“No BS?” I arched my brow with a smirk.
“No BS.” She smiled.
“I was dating a man, and he wasn’t who I thought he was.”
“Did he break your heart?”
“Yeah. He did. But it was time for a change. Sometimes, life gives you a little nudge to make you see things more clearly. Matthew was my nudge.”
“I’m sorry he broke your heart.”
“Thanks, sweetheart. But I’m not. You know why?”
“Because his actions brought me here to Harbor Falls so I could meet you.” A smile crossed my lips.
“I’m sorry, Hannah.”
“For what?”
“I’m really sorry for lying about you and trying to cause problems between you and my dad.”
“Come here,” I said, wrapping my arms around her as the front door opened. “Your dad is home.”
Lucy jumped off the stool and ran to greet her father.
“Hey, sweetheart.” I heard him say from the foyer.
“Dad, come look at what Hannah let me make.”
I turned around and saw Lucy dragging Alex behind her.
“You made that by yourself?”
“Yep. Hannah was busy helping customers.”
“It’s beautiful, kiddo. You have a real talent with flowers.” A handsome smile crossed his lips.
“That’s what Hannah said. We had fun! Thanks for dinner, Hannah. I’m going up to take a bath.”
“You’re welcome, Lucy.”