Page 88 of Only You
“Yeah. I’ll take you now.”
After dropping her off at her friend’s house, I went to the Seaside.
“Big day tomorrow.” I smiled at Colin, taking a seat at the bar.
“And it can’t come fast enough.” He poured me a scotch.
“Thanks, friend. Did you have a bachelor party and not invite me?” I smirked.
“Nah.” He chuckled. “Adalyn and I said we didn’t want bachelor and bachelorette parties. You know I would have invited you.”
“I know. I’m just messing with you.”
“Hannah told us what happened between the two of you.”
“I’m sure the whole town heard.” I tipped the glass to my lips.
“I don’t think so. I haven’t heard any whispers. She’s a great woman, Alex.”
“I know she is, Colin. It’s not a good time right now.”
“I can understand that. You’re a very busy man and a single father. Just don’t get so caught up with work that you lose sight of what’s really important in life.”
“My work is very important,” I said.
“I know it is. But work can also be very lonely. Especially when you go home at the end of the day and there’s no one there to share your day with. You know I have your back. But I also have my sister-in-law’s back, too.”
“She hates me, Colin.”
“I wouldn’t say she hates you. I do know that you’re not her favorite person right now. Was it worth it?”
“Was what worth it?”
“Breaking her heart?”
“Colin, you don’t get it and never will.” I shook my head.
“I think I do. Don’t forget we were best friends growing up. I spent a lot of time at your house, and I was there for you after the accident. I know you and the guilt you’ve been carrying around all these years.”
“People change.” I threw the rest of my drink down the back of my throat. “That boy you knew all those years ago before the accident is gone.”
“It doesn’t have to be like that,” Colin said.
“Unfortunately, it does.” I threw some cash on the bar and stood up. “Thanks for the drink. I’ll see you tomorrow at the wedding.” I smiled.
“Can you believe him? Can you believe he demanded to know where I was staying and why I haven’t been home?” I spewed, sitting on the patio with my mom, Antonio, Adalyn, Luis, and Alfred.
“Darling, I love you, but that’s the third time you’ve said that. The wounded bird was just asking,” Luis said.
“Wounded bird? Why the hell are you calling him a wounded bird?”
“Because that’s what he is. He’s wounded, and his wounds come from that house. His sister tragically died there, his mother treated him poorly, and he left his life behind at sixteen to live with his aunt in Chicago. Who wouldn’t be wounded after all that?”
“Luis, you’re not helping,” Adalyn spoke.