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Yeah, that’s me, Mr. Nice Guy.
“Come eat. I didn’t know what you liked, so I got a bit of everything.”
I open the containers so they can see what’s inside as Starling walks into the room and stands beside Abbot. She takes the box closest to her as I open the silverware drawer and place a few forks on the counter. She reaches for one and digs in as Abbot grabs a fork and container of food for himself.
“So, how was school?” I ask.
They both look at me as if I’ve grown a third nipple.
“Yeah, okay, it sounded weird even to me. Anything I need to know about?”
“No, Dad, everything’s fine,” Abbot answers.
I look at Starling, but she just nods. I don’t force the issue. She won’t say anything in front of him, so I let it go. We eat in silence, but it’s not uncomfortable. Well, maybe it is for Starling, but she handles it well enough.
Once we’re finished eating, I head to the fridge, pull out the cake I picked up on my way home, and slide it onto the counter. It’s nothing fancy, just a chocolate fudge cake with Happy 18th Birthday piped across the top in white icing.
I don’t bother with candles, but I do hand her the knife.
“Happy Birthday, Starling,” I say softly.
She blinks at me in surprise before her eyes drop to the cake once more.
“Well, go on. Cut it.”
With a shaky hand, she cuts a piece. I hold out a paper plate, and when she places the cake on it, I pass it to Abbot. He watches as she cuts two more pieces, one for me and one for herself.
Lifting the fork to her mouth, Starling takes a bite and lets out a moan that has both me and Abbot looking at her. She flushes and quickly looks away. Taking a bite of my own piece, I listen as Abbot tells me about football practice and some new wonder kid that’s supposed to be joining the team. Starling stays quiet the whole time, her focus entirely on her cake as she savors every mouthful. It’s a good cake, but it’s not the best I’ve ever had. I can’t help but wonder if the look of awe on her face is because it’s from me or because birthday cake isn’t something she gets from anyone else.
“I actually have something for you too Abbot.” I pull the set of keys from my back pocket, surprised he hadn’t said anything about all the birthdays if his I missed over the years.
“Oh yeah?” He looks up from his cake just in time to catch the keys I throw his way.
He stares at them for a second before he sprints toward the front door.
I smirk when I hear him curse. “Holy fuck.”
Starling follows him out but I stay where I am, cleaning up the mess.
When they both walk back in, Abbot has his arm thrown over Starlings shoulder and a huge grin on his face.
He looks at me, hesitating for a moment. “Thank you. The truck is awesome.”
“You’re welcome.”
They both head upstairs to do homework. While I’m alone, I take a moment to finger the ribbon on the gift I bought for Starling, before hiding it back in the pantry until I can give it to her alone. I wasn’t sure what she’d like, but I wanted to get her something. She needs to get used to me buying her things. Money isn’t a concern for me like it is for her. I’m not trying to sound conceited—it’s just a fact. Luckily, I’m able to buy what I want when I want. So if I want to spend my money on her, I will.
Instead of heading out like I usually do to keep my distance, I head to the family room, figuring I might as well watch a movie. There isn’t much else to do, and at this rate, I’m not sure they’ll even come back downstairs. I opt for a classic and put on Heat. I’ve seen it a dozen times, but the chemistry between Pacino and De Niro is outstanding.
I’m halfway through the movie when I hear a noise. Reaching for my gun, I mute the TV and listen again, trying to figure out what I heard.
A soft moan has me squeezing the handle of my gun. I lean back, open the app on my phone, and watch Abbot fuck Starling.
He’s gentler with her this time. He murmurs words too low for me to hear, but there’s a closeness that wasn’t there before. And I don’t like it one fucking bit.
Knowing he’s fucking her is one thing. But this… this looks suspiciously like love, and that I can’t have. I knew she had feelings for him. In fact, I was banking on it. But I didn’t take into consideration that he might have feelings for her too, not when he came home the other day reeking of sex.
I close the app, turn off the movie, and make my way upstairs to my bedroom. I take a cold shower and pull on a pair of boxers before lying on the bed.