Page 58 of A Pirate's Pleasure
I went to turn away, but didn’t get far, Whitby planting himself between me and the direction I’d been planning to head in. “The ship is fine, in case you’re interested.”
I rolled my eyes. “I assumed it was, given I’m standing on its deck, and it’s still in one piece.”
“We didn’t sustain any damage from the attack on the merchant ship,” Whitby said.
Now, that had me frowning. “When?”
“Two days ago.”
“And you didn’t think to run it by me first?”
Whitby’s smile didn’t shift. “I did. Of course, I did. It was my first thought, but when I came and knocked on your cabin door, I was told in no uncertain terms to go away unless the ship was on fire. As it wasn’t, I followed the instruction I’d been given. But seeing as we were running somewhat low on food again, I took it upon myself to order the attack.”
“I was… We were…” Heat crept into my cheeks as I trailed off.
“Oh, I don’t need you to draw me a picture. I have a very vivid idea of what you were up to.”
“I didn’t realize it was you.”
“Nor did you care.” A hand the size of a boulder settled on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Now, don’t be looking like that. It’s nice to know you’re human after all, that even the stoic Captain Chase can have his head turned by a man. Or at least one man. And if I learnt one thing from getting to know him in your absence, it’s that he’s one of the good ones. Takes no crap. Braver than he looks. And has a good head for strategizing.”
I changed the subject before Whitby could get carried away listing Lief’s good attributes. “How did the attack go?”
Whitby shrugged. “Good haul. Plenty of plunder, which I’m sure you’ll understand us not sharing with you and Lief, given your lack of participation in obtaining it. No casualties. No injuries. Some might say it was a rather mundane assault, all things considered.”
“Good.” We’d always take mundane over excitement. Excitement usually resulted in unnecessary deaths caused by have-a-go-heroes who valued riches more than life itself.
“Before you disappear,” Whitby said, “and I don’t see you again for another three days, there are a couple of small matters that require your attention.”
“Go on.”
He strode over to the other side of the deck. When he returned, it was with an all too familiar chain in his hand, the manacles dangling at the bottom glinting in the light. The memories evoked by them were enough to have bile rising in my throat. Whitby gave them a shake. “What do you want us to do with these?”
It required little thought. “Throw them in the sea.”
He held them out. “Think you should be the one to do the honors.”
I shook my head. “I don’t even want to touch them.”
Whitby gave an understanding nod. I followed as he stepped over to the railing. I might not want to touch them, but I’d take joy from their demise. They hit the water with a loud splash, the weight of the chain—a weight I remembered only too well—dragging them beneath the water within seconds. “And the second thing?” I asked.
“Ah, yes,” Whitby said, turning back to face me. “The small matter of what course you want us to set? We’ve been drifting round in circles for days.”
“Dimhallow, of course,” I said. “That’s where we were going before Lucretius found us and the plan hasn’t changed.”
Furrows appeared on Whitby’s brow. “Oh, but I thought…”
I met his frown with one of my own when he fell silent. “You thought what?”
“That things might have changed, that you might have a new destination in mind.”
“Like where?” I didn’t give Whitby time to answer the question. “We have a man’s name to clear, and it’s more important now than ever. I owe Lief. He might have played it down, but I know the role he played in my rescue was monumental. I know what he’s like when he gets the bit between his teeth. He’s relentless. He would have pushed and pushed until the rest of you gave in just to shut him up. And no, I’m not dismissing your role in it. You’re as loyal as they come, and for that, I thank you, but I know how much of a driving force Lief would have been.”
“He was,” Whitby agreed. “Although, I would dispute you owing him. You rescued him and he rescued you, so I would say you’re even.”
“Maybe. But he’s not really rescued, is he? Not while he can’t set foot on the mainland without being hanged for something he didn’t do.”
Whitby accepted the point with a slight inclination of his head. “It’s a shame, though. He makes a good pirate. Calm and controlled, and we both know how much that’s in short supply around these parts.”