Page 115 of Toxic Wishes
“Yeah, he is just very punctual, and so am I, usually.”
We both smile at one another.
“Go through the back. I’ll go open the door.”
Right as I’m about to open the door. Troy bolts in
“Hey, what the hell, dude? I was right outside your front door,” he points over Colt’s shoulder.
“You couldn’t open it for me?” His eyes darted between Colt and me, clearly taking in our disarray. I brush my hair back over my ear, trying to calm my breathing.
“But guess you were busy,” he says suspiciously. I lick my lips, trying to draw in my breath.
“So you're just walking into my house now?” Colt finally says.
Troy raises an eyebrow. “It was never an issue before.” The side of his lip curls, and it’s obvious he’s trying not to smile. “Plus, I saw both cars outside. So I knew you were home.”
An uncomfortable silence follows as he looks at Colt with a smile in his eyes and then at me with raised eyebrows.
Colt looks like he wants to escape. He straightens. “Let me go grab my bag, and we can go.” he throws his thumb over his shoulder and quickly shuffles to his feet. I don’t hesitate.
“Yeah, I need to get some homework done.” I pick the water bottle up off the floor, “Good seeing you, Troy. Tell Jenna I said hello.”
His eyes follow me as I walk to the door. “Yeah, I’ll be sure to do that.” Relief rushes through me once I’m outside, breathing in the fresh air.
“Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.” — Elton John
“Oh my God! I knew it!” Mel screeches into the phone as I pull it away from my ear. At the same time, a crooked smile forms across my lips.
“Are you serious? How was it?” she asks.
“Have you ever sweated from having sex?” I ask her.
“Damn, that good, huh?”
Another laugh leaves me, and I can’t help it. I can’t think straight right now. I’m sure I’m blushing and grateful I’m in my car leaving work.
“It was…” I trail off, “Amazing.”
“Aww, I’m happy for you. It’s mind-blowing. Screwing someone actually good at it.”
“Yes,” Not that Jared was horrible, but now that I have experienced sex with Colt, it’s like a nympho maniac has been released inside of me, and I want it all the time. I am a Scorpio, so I know sex is my power but also my weakness. With Jared, I never craved it. My clit didn’t throb just from the thought of us banging the night before. Colt’s in my head more than anyone has ever been.
“Have fun,” she says with enthusiasm. “Just don’t get knocked up, okay?”
“Why?” I blurt out, realizing how that sounded. “I mean, I’m not planning to. I’m twenty-one.” I turn my left signal on. “But you never said that when I was with Jared?”
“Because you never had mind-blowing sex with Jared.” She says, and I hear shuffling noises in the background. “And you never really had fun with Jared. Just be careful. Because that may be all he’s having, too.”
Is she right? Is that all this is? A fling?
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, he’s a huge upgrade from the douchebag Jared. Instead of draining you dry like he did, he’s replenishing you in more ways than one.” I hear the playfulness in her tone. “You deserve this, and I’m glad you're banging your cousin's ex. I only wish I could see her face when the arrogant, haughty bitch finds out.”
My stomach drops. Guilt sets in, and the fact that this may not go anywhere, maybe it’s best Naomi never finds out. I don't need to burn bridges with my cousin when my family barely recognizes me. I could only imagine what this bit of news would do to run home with the dirty looks and comments.