Page 34 of Toxic Wishes
I get why he may be annoyed, but we didn’t have a frat party. There were maybe a couple of cups left out with chips, dip, and probably some alcohol bottles.
I ignored his rude gesture and start to get dressed. I hear him bang on Josh’s door and yell, “Put your dick back in your pants and get the fuck down here.”
I heard a giggling noise, then a thud and a few curses from Josh. I can’t help but smile as I slip on my tennis shoes and pack up my suitcase. Once I’ve made the bed and wiped down the bathtub, I pick up my luggage and head downstairs.
The blonde from last night is sitting next to Josh, drinking a cup of coffee while his brother reels into him about the mess.
“I told you not to have parties here unless I know about them. And what if I brought Bodie, and he walked in on all this shit. You need to stop acting like you can do whatever you want.”
“Man, I get it. I’m sorry I told you I’d clean up. It’s not like we broke anything or there are stains anywhere. You're overreacting.”
“Overreacting? I could overreact and call the cops and have you arrested for intruding, then maybe that would teach your ass.” he throws a roll of paper towels at Josh before I hear him mutter.
“Fucking millennials.”
“We’re Gen Z,” the blonde girl says, all bubbly. She sips her coffee and stares at Josh’s brother over her glass. He’s too busy whipping down the counter to notice that she is pretty much eye fucking him while the guy she just fucked, literally, is sitting next to her. But Josh is oblivious to her subtle flirting.
“So what does a lake house like this cost?” she says, looking around. I roll my luggage into the room just as Josh’s brother answers. “A pretty penny,” he says, clearly not in the mood for small talk.
This guy is seriously OCD or just a complete asshole.
“I guess I’ll be heading out,” I say, and Josh looks up from his phone.
“Heading out already? I thought you wanted to get breakfast,” he says, getting up from his chair.
“Uh, ya, I figured I’d just grab some coffee and an egg sandwich at a gas station and fill up so I can be on my way.” I briefly look over Josh’s shoulder, at his brother.
“Okay, I have to ask, are you the quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals?” Her voice is light and sugary, as if she is about to eat him up.
“Yeah, he is,” Josh says, still looking at me. His tone has a hint of annoyance.
I should have known he was a jock. Maybe if he were rude to her, she wouldn’t want to drop her panties for him just because he played in the NFL.
“Oh my God, I knew it. Okay, was it true that you had a secret affair with Giovanni and Taylor Swift simultaneously? I mean, I’m totally team Giovanni since she’s like the prettiest supermodel out there, and I used to like Taylor until she got all weird with her performances.”
I roll my eyes inwardly at how incredibly dumb she sounds. I can feel myself losing brain cells as I stand here and listen to her.
“I thought you weren’t in a rush to get back,” Josh asks, utterly uninterested in the conversation his little one-night stand is trying to start with his brother. I look back at Josh’s brother again, and he must feel his eyes on me because he glances over.
“I might as well get it over with. Either face them now or face them later. I can help you clean U-.”
“No, it’s fine. It’s not a big deal. My brother is just OCD.” Josh interjects.
“Okay, well, text me later. I have to clean this up, and then maybe we can get some grub or something. As soon as I head back, my dad will put me to work on the ranch, so I’m taking my sweet little time.”
I chuckle to myself. “Okay, I’ll catch up with you later.”
He gives me a peck on my cheek, and the blonde eyes me and forces a smile. “I’m Megan by the way. I think we met briefly last night.”
“Ya, nice to meet you again, Megan,” I say with a smirk. “I'm sorry we didn’t get to talk more. I know you must be tired from all the tumbling games we played.”
I try and hold back my laug as I say, “nice meeting you as well,
“Ya,” is all he says.
Not, it was nice meeting you, I’m so and so. Not even a simple goodbye. But with how moody he seems, I’m grateful it’s not; get the fuck out. He must be an air sign. My guess is anAquarius or a Gemini.
“Catch ya later, Josh,” I say as I grab the handlebar of my luggage and head out the door.