Page 63 of Toxic Wishes
Hell, even if Josh was living with us, it might break the tension. I roll over, grab my laptop on the edge of the bed, and pull it close to me, opening it up. I decided to go ahead and take that bio-chemistry class, which everyone I spoke with said was easier to take in the summer than during the school year. I check my email and see that there is already a list of homework assigned for us.
“Great,” I mutter to myself. After a few minutes of going through my emails, I look back to the clock—11:11 on the dot.
“I wish I didn't care about a man taking care of me, so I don't have to stress about school or money anymore. I wish I could have the option of living a stress-free life so I don’t form gray hairs and wrinkles in my forties,” I laugh to myself right after the words leave my mouth.
Ya right Abigail, You’re not pretty enough to grab that lifestyle.
For some reason, Colt pops in my head. I look over at the clock. 11:13. I’m sure he already left with Bodie since it was over two hours ago that I fed them breakfast. I didn’t know Colt had a ranch but maybe that’s why he had a lake house out here, to be close to his land. It must be nice to have gotten lucky and paid millions to work a seasonal job throwing a football. Yes, you sacrifice your physical well-being but I haven’t heard anyone complain so far about being in the NFL, or any professional sport. That was most guys' dream. To be worshiped by women and treated like a king. And it’s not like NFL players did anything to help anyone, save anyone, invent anything, or learn anything new. You play a sport for a living and make millions. That's it.
“Maybe I needed to become a stripper and suck up my pride.” Groaning to myself, I roll over in my towel, and decided to get dressed.
I need to tell Mel I’ll have to decline the job she offered. As much as I would love to stay home and not go anywhere, I think becoming a bartender is going to fit my schedule more, now that I’ll be studying and attending class during the day. Besides I only have to work three days a week and I’ll make around the same amount of money with the job she told me about. I didn’t hate bartending but I didn’t love it either.
I let the towel fall to the ground as I dug through my suitcase to fetch a pair of panties and a bra. Jared loved sexy underwear. That may be the only good thing that came out of our relationship. He was hands down the best dresser I’ve ever seen. Even under his clothes he had to be matching. I slip my underwear on first then grab my bra. I secure the latch from the front then shift it around, slipping one arm in each hoop. I turn around at the same time I’m met with those bright blue eyes.
“Jesus!” I shout covering my body with the towel on the ground.
“Oh, shit,” Colt covers his eyes like the sun is blinding him. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to knocking since no one-”
“You scared me,” I say through a breath, cutting him off.
“Uh ya, I apologize. I’m glad you were…. Dressed.” He uncovers his eyes. “Somewhat at least.” He bites his lower lip, and I know he’s trying to bite back a smile
I glare at him. “Is there something you need?”
He eyes me up and down, swallowing hard.
“Ya...No,” he says, correcting himself quickly. “Bodie insisted on coming to ask you if you would like to go with us.”
Bodie huh?
“But I assumed you would be busy so no pressure or anything. But if you want to come see his horse. I know it would make Bodie’s day.”
Fuck me, How can I say no to that. At the same time, I needed to get some stuff done before I started working next week, but I could do it when I got back.
Colt's eyebrows raise an inch. “Are you sure?”
“Ya, I mean unless you don’t want me to come?”
“No, I do. I would love for you to come. Please—come,” he says with hesitancy. I think he caught his double entendre just now, too.
My chest is moving up and down, and I damn near had a full-blown orgasm with his voice alone. What the fuck is wrong with you Abigail? You need to have some mind-blowing sex or something because getting turned on by a perfectly innocent conversation, at least I think it is, was not normal.
“Okay,” I cleared my throat. Give me five minutes to get dressed.” I threw a thumb over my shoulder.
“Okay, cool. We’ll be outside when you're ready.”
“Sounds good.” I smile but when I realize I’m smiling too wide, I tone it down a bit.
He quietly shuts the door, and I slowly breathe in and out. Why did this feel like a bad idea? Not in the sense I would regret it, but in the sense that I know I may like it. Have fun even. And it’s been so long since I had fun with a man. Jared was a party animal, so I always had to be responsible. I never called into work sick because I was too scared to get behind on bills. I deserved a little relaxation before school started. I deserved to let my hair down, even if I had to let it down around Colt Killian. Who was he to judge me?
Fifteen minutes later, we pulled up to a tiny house surrounded by lots of land. Horses were grazing in the background. From here, it looked like there were five horses. Little did Colt know I loved horses. They were so beautiful—one of my favorite animals to look at. There were two white ones, a black one, and two red ones. The black one looked more like a stallion, with how thick and filled out he looked.
Colt parks his truck and Bodie jumps out of his seat. “C’mon Abigail, let's meet Bolt!” he shouts.