Page 32 of Psycho Saviors
“Mom worked as an assassin for my father in the early days, before anyone knew who she was involved with. Way before we were even thought of, let alone born. Women make good undercover killers,” he said, shaking his head, a hint of pride in his tone, but then his face dropped. “We never did find out exactly who orchestrated the car bombing that took them out. If it was a rival family or someone who had issues with my mother. She’d come from a family involved with ours, hence how my parents got involved.”
“I’m sorry you lost them,” I said softly, and he nodded, his face hardening.
“Shit happens in this life, you just have to move on and deal with it. But she was a force to be reckoned with. A woman unafraid to get her hands dirty. My father, he was a man who ruled with an iron first, kept all the families in line. Something I’m trying to maintain.” He leaned back, taking a swig of his whiskey, and I mimicked him with my wine.
“Sounds like big shoes to fill.”
“If he could do it, then so can I. I was groomed for it, taught everything.” He frowned as he looked down at his glass. “It’s my duty. I have to keep his legacy alive and intact. And he never would have stood for this stunt the Russos pulled. They’ll pay for this entire fiasco.” He met my gaze with a hardened look of steel that made me swallow. I had no doubt that by the time this week was through, the Russos would be no more.
And I didn’t feel the slightest bit of guilt.
It didn't take long before our conversation waned and we sat in comfortable silence for some time, enjoying the moment of peace and freedom. Well, whatever freedom this was, although the wine was making me care less about all of that right now, since Tyrone had refilled my glass a few times more now.
"Let's head in, see how the other two are going," Tyrone finally said, breaking the quietness. The soft look he gave me could have been mistaken for tenderness, but then it was gone as he rose and offered me his hand.
I accepted, allowing him to pull me to my feet and guide me inside, my empty wine glass dangling from my fingers. The welcome buzz was making me light-headed, but I melted into the feeling, enjoying the way all my worries faded away.
We found Julian and Cristian in the living room, hunched over a card game spread out on the coffee table. They both looked up as we entered.
"Well, well, look who's back," Cristian smirked, his eyes glinting mischievously. He gestured to a plate piled high with golden, flaky pastries on the table. "Care for a sweet treat, kitten?"
Something about his smirk made me pause, but the alcohol coursing through my veins pushed aside any hesitation. "Don't mind if I do," I replied, plopping down on the couch and snagging a pastry. It was still warm, the buttery layers melting on my tongue. Food was a good idea with how many glasses of wine I'd downed.
"Why don't you join us for a game?" Cristian suggested, shuffling the deck with practiced ease. "Unless you're too tipsy to remember the rules."
I scoffed, licking sugar from my fingers. "Please. I could beat you blindfolded, I'm barely tipsy."
Julian chuckled, shaking his head. "Careful, Cristian. Sounds like a challenge to me."
Tyrone cleared his throat. "I'll grab another bottle of wine for you, Scarlet."
"No more for me, we need our wits about us," Julian said steadily, and I pursed my lips. I'd noticed Tyrone hadn't refilled his glass either. As was to be expected of the man who had to remain steadfast and ready at all times. A weight I couldn't imagine shouldering.
As Tyrone headed into the kitchen, I settled in at the table, accepting the hand Cristian dealt me. The tension from earlier seemed to have evaporated, replaced by an almost cozy atmosphere. It was strange how quickly things could shift in this place.
"Alright, boys," I said, arranging my cards. "Let's see what you've got."
"Prepare to have your ass handed to you, kitten," Cristian teased, and I snorted. Although, considering just who I was playing with, I didn't doubt he'd own my ass with ease.
Tyrone returned with the now open bottle of wine, setting it on the table by me before accepting his own hand of cards.
As we played, I found myself reaching for the wine bottle more frequently than I should have. After the morning's events, I craved some escape, and the smooth, rich liquid seemed to offer just that.
Before long, I'd downed an entire bottle to myself and devolved into a giggling mess, the card game becoming pointless.
Tyrone cracked a smile when Cristian coaxed me into sharing some of my horror dating stories. The alcohol had loosened my tongue, and I found myself spilling embarrassing tales I'd normally keep locked away.
"What? He really said that?" Julian chuckled, shaking his head at one particularly awful tale. His eyes sparkled with amusement, a rare sight that made me feel oddly proud.
I nodded, hiccuping slightly. "Yep. Told me I reminded him of his mother. Talk about a mood killer. Then said he was always close with his mother." I grimaced, earning another round of chuckles from the brothers.
As the day wore on, Julian opened up a bit, surprising me with his candor. Tyrone had suggested he enjoy a few more drinks, while Cristian had brought the brownies over for us to enjoy, and I'd happily nibbled on a few.
So now we were all in pleasant moods, our tension and walls having dissipated, only Tyrone remaining entirely sober.
I caught Tyrone's eye as I finished recounting a disastrous customer at work which had ended comically with him walking into the glass door in his fit of rage. Tyrone's stoic expression softened ever so slightly as our gazes locked. Though he maintained his composure, there was a glimmer of amusement in his dark eyes that hadn't been there before.
As Julian and Cristian laughed at my story, I noticed Tyrone's gaze sweep over us all. His shoulders seemed to relax a fraction, the ever-present tension easing from his jawline. For a brief moment, a ghost of a smile played at the corners of his mouth.