Page 51 of Group Studies
Abe turned her full lizard-like gaze to me, scowling.
I rocked on my heels.
“I expected to see your work from the last two days,” she said. “And yet, you left me nothing - nor invited me to see your results.”
I swallowed. “I used one already, and the other one’s still uncharged in my Shell.”
“Bring it to me, and we shall see about your third afternoon.” Abe tapped her elbow with her pointer finger. “I’ll be in my office till late tonight.”
I scowled at her back, watching her glide to Saffron’s workstation behind us before turning back to the cardboard mock-up.
“You know,” Ram said. I gritted my teeth. “I always got my harem the things they need.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Alchemist Blickenstaff’s a woman who understands how the world works,” he continued conversationally. “I’m sure with the right motivation, we can work out whatever you need, Lover.”
Ram ran his hand up my shoulder and cupped the side of my neck. I tried to jerk away, but my shoes stuck to the floor. The blood drained out of my face, and I balled my fists.
“You know how much you owe me, right?” Ram asked.
His lips brushed against my ear as he spoke. My gaze flicked to Saffron as Abe bent down to study something. Before he could look up to see my struggles, Yasmine tapped him on the shoulder, and he leaned further forward.
I squeezed my eyes shut.
“The loss of my harem,” Ram continued, “the death of Advisor Crowe. The death of my ticket out of this place.” His grin took on an edge of madness. “You understand you’ll never get away from me. Stop trying. Bend to the inevitable.”
As he said the word bend, sparks exploded from the back of the class room. Before I could turn to look, he thrust his hand against my shoulder, causing me to stumble backwards. I started to fall, but he wrapped his fist around my neck, and squeezed. I tried to breathe but his grip tightened.
Abe was screeching behind me. The sound of a fire being put out and students talking met my ears. Ram had set this up. No one was going to help me. I didn’t want to be the person who let bad things happen to her anymore. No one had the right to hurt me. It took two tries, but the word ‘stop’ whispered out of my strained throat.
But nothing stopped. Ram wasn’t using magic on me, so I had nothing to attach my command to. He squeezed my neck tighter, and I dangled in his grip, desperate for air.
Suddenly, he dropped me, pushing me backward. I fell against the workstation, choking as I hit it. A strangled, grunting, gasping sound ripped out of my throat as I sucked in air. One of my hands squished into the middle of our mock-up. The cardboard crumpled with a dull thud and tools scattered, falling to the floor.
“Aphrodite!” Abe screeched. “Mages should be poised and balanced at all times, not destroying their own work because of a small fire. No matter their opinions of their assigned partner.”
I righted myself, rubbing my neck and breathing hard. Turning away from them, I focused on the table, trying to control my tears.
“I don’t care what tutoring you’re supposedly have,” Abe continued. “You’re to come back here immediately after GS and rebuild this completely. Apologize to your partner.”
I forced myself to turn.
Ram licked his thin lips, his gaze focused on my neck. I pulled my hand to my side. If I did anything other than apologies, this would become a thing. It always hurt less when I took the easiest path.
“I’m sorry.” The words tasted foul in my mouth.
“Apology accepted,” Ram said sweetly. “I’ll even come in and help. Thank you for being patient with me.”
I clenched my fists and lowered my head in acknowledgment before beginning to salvage what I could.
This time, when Ram settled in too close, I didn’t stop him.
* * *
Saffron and Tanwyn pressed close to my sides as we sat in our usual circle in Metaphysics. It was Ghalen’s turn in the center. His firm back hid me from Ram’s view. I could almost pretend my attacker wasn’t there, though the lingering pain in my neck didn’t let him drift far from my mind.
Ram’s attack had been over so fast, I wasn’t sure anyone had seen it. Though, after I’d hit the table and Abe screeched at me, I’d become the center of attention.