Page 59 of Group Studies
“I’m sure you already know why you’re here,” Director Flemmings said evenly.
I squeezed my eyes shut.
“Full disclosure.” Director Flemmings braced her elbows on her desk. “The MA’s searching your room as we speak. Along with Beryl’s, Ashe’s, Alrick’s, and Ram’s. Did you go anywhere other than to Alchemist Blickenstaff’s office last night?”
I shook my head.
“I need to see your phone, your bookbag, and your dimensional pocket now, Aphrodite,” Officer Keres ordered, shuffling to the side of the desk.
My hands shook as I pulled out my phone. I fumbled it twice before it landed on the floor with a thud. Officer Keres retrieved it, waiting for the other two items.
“I can’t make a pocket,” I whispered. “And Ram stole my bookbag.”
Officer Keres gestured to me. “How have you been participating in your mandatory education?”
I studied the wood grains of Director Flemmings’ desk. I didn’t like how familiar the patterns were becoming. “I listen as best I can and take notes on my phone.”
Officer Keres grunted, before stepping back to focus on my phone. I suddenly felt so exposed. It was one thing to know they had access and another to watch someone look through my life.
Saffron’s texts telling me he wanted to fuck my brains out were on there. Along with Beryl’s jokes and Ashe telling me we needed to talk. My selfies with Roisin joined pictures of random parts of books I’d found interesting. There were even pictures of my hair covered in the yellow sticky goo.
‘The Magical Authorities judge without understanding,’ Damon’s voice echoed in my mind. ‘They will destroy you.’
I shook my head. He’d been wrong about so much. I’d moved on with my life. I was finding myself.
A wisp of condensed smoke with bright red eyes danced at the edge of my vision.
“Aphrodite,” Doctor Roy said, waving his hands to draw my attention. “Breathe. Alice said you were defending yourself. Professor Garnet’s on his way.” I looked at my psychiatrist. “Breathe. You’re not evil. Alrick seems unharmed. We’ll know very soon.”
I clasped my hands in front of me and sucked in a lungful of air. They’d not found my scales. This was only about the attack, I could do this.
“What you did is illegal,” Officer Keres countered, not looking up from my phone. “And exactly what I told you not to do.”
Alice took a step forward. “She used the only tool she had to keep from being gang-raped.”
Guilt burned in my stomach. That wasn’t what had happened, she’d been there. She knew they wanted my scales. My guilt turned into confusion. She delayed her report to give me time, and now she was lying for me.
I hadn’t even had the presence of mind to thank her last night.
Alice’s fiery light blue rims shot bullets at Officer Keres, daring him to say more. The officer didn’t spare her a glance.
“Enough, Alice,” Director Flemmings said tightly. “Unless you have anything else to add, you’re excused. Thank you.”
Alice’s willowy form shook. She clenched and unclenched her fists before storming toward the door. After yanking it open, she paused. “It shouldn’t work like this, Leigh, and you know it.”
Before she could exit, Nurse Norah walked up to her. The two women nodded at each other and traded places. The door shut behind Alice with a click.
“Alrick’s completely unharmed,” Nurse Norah reported without being asked. “Physically, there’s not a mark on him. His mental faculties are all intact. I can’t find any foreign magic in his system. You’ll need Professor Garnet or someone specializing in mind magic if you want to dig deeper. I have my notes here, though I’ve already uploaded them to his file.”
The Director waved off the offered tablet. “That’s fine. Please do a similar check on Aphrodite.”
At the nurse’s direction, I stood and let her poke and prod me with both her fingers and her magic. I gritted my teeth at the rush of unwanted lust, but my fear did a better job of holding it at bay than any self-control I mustered.
“I need you to remove your scarf,” Nurse Norah directed. “Do you hurt anywhere?”
I shifted my feet. “Do I have to?”
Officer Keres looked up from my phone. “Yes.”