Page 82 of Group Studies
What I wouldn’t give to have you in my arms right now, Professor Garnet purred, his voice relaxed and a little out of breath.
I found a little hand towel in a drawer and put the dildo aside.
“I wish I was in your arms.” I paused. “If we both want this, why can’t we complete the transfer again?”
I always want you to have a choice. I couldn't live with myself knowing I took free will from you like it was taken from me. Sex should be about coming together when we feel like it, not when magic tells us to—especially not when Officer Keres is setting the entire thing up.
“I’d not thought about it that way,” I said. “Should I be afraid of Officer Keres?”
My eyelids grew heavy as I waited for him to respond.
No. He finally said reluctantly. He’s doing his job to the best of his abilities. We need to work with him. Don’t live in fear. It might seem like it sometimes, but you’re not alone. He paused, yawning. Get some sleep. You’ll need to renew the potion every twenty-four hours for the crystal to keep working. Don’t forget, we both have to talk out loud, so we’re still limited.
I wrinkled my nose. “I understand.”
Sleep well, Aphy. I care about you more than you know.
The crystal cooled in my grip. Despite my still prickling magic, exhaustion hit me like a freight train. The moment my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.
Chapter 13
I woke up the following morning to the sound of grunting coming from the bottom floor. Sliding to the end of the bed, I peeked through the metal staircase. I saw Ashe, in his MA uniform, doing something on the floor.
The smell of coffee tickled my nose. I yawned and unplugged my phone from my socket. I couldn’t go to the library yet because of curfew, and I’d left all my books downstairs.
I wrinkled my nose.
“Give me strength today, professor,” I said, holding the charm at my neck.
It’s like a phone, Aphy. I’m not your benevolent God. Professor Garnet responded with a chuckle.
I grinned and hugged myself, loving the sound of his rough voice in the morning.
More grunting pulled at my curiosity. It didn’t take me long to step into a clean uniform and clatter my way down the spiral staircase.
A coffee pot sat with two mugs on the little counter of my kitchen. I wanted to thank my lucky stars, but instead, I had to thank Ashe. With my full cup in hand, I watched his morning workout as he began a series of push-ups involving clapping his hands together at the top of each one and jumping.
I refused to be impressed and took a sip of roasted bean joy. The liquid barely touched my stomach before I turned green. I bolted for the bathroom. What little I’d ingested and bits of mostly digested cookie soon filled my little toilet.
“Kitten, what the fuck is happening in there?” Ashe demanded, banging on the door.
I spat into the bowl and flushed. “I liked your coffee soo much, I’m enjoying it a second time.”
“Can I get you anything?” Ashe asked, calmer.
“A new stomach?” I made myself comfortable on the washroom floor. “Give me a minute, sometimes I puke twice, sometimes it’s just once. I’ll be out once I know.”
Ashe paused. “This is normal?”
I scowled at the toilet. “Ah, ya, sorta.”
I gave it a few more minutes, but it seemed my stomach was happier this morning than yesterday. Minty freshness soon brushed away the taste of vomit. I double-checked my uniform still looked fine before exiting the washroom.
Ashe handed me a glass of water. I took it gratefully.
“Do you have my schedule all squared away for today?” I asked, somewhere between bitter and sarcastic.
He frowned at me. “Do you need to go to the medical wing?”