Page 98 of Group Studies
The world stopped spinning, and I sucked in a breath. My stomach twisted unhappily as I searched for my guys, only to find them surrounded by MA agents. I cursed. Saffron put his hands up first, followed by his remaining friend, and finally Beryl.
“You’re under arrest,” Officer Keres barked as he approached them. “For breaking curfew and inciting a riot.”
I took a shaky step away from the railing to do something, but an arm clamped around my chest, before a second covered my mouth.
“Just my luck, Lover,” Ram said in my ear. “A lamb, all by herself.”
I shook, trying to dislodge myself, but once again, his iron grip held me. I tried to shout for help, but he kicked my feet out from under me and pulled me further up the stairs.
My heart raced as my blood ran cold. Even if I managed to make a sound, no one was coming. The MA had captured all my friends.
Chapter 15
I’d no idea what part of the Institute Ram dragged me to. Particles of dust floated in the streams of cold artificial lighting. I’d never hated my magic and my body as much as I did right now. The gag filling my mouth and the ropes tying me to a chair didn’t ease the raging ball of need still making me ache from my incomplete transfer. It only added to it. Based on the light in Ram’s eyes, he knew it.
“This couldn’t be more perfect,” Ram said, sitting directly in front of me, his legs spread wide. He leaned forward and licked my cheek. “Cry for me?”
I wouldn’t cry. No more pregnancy hormones I’d not even realized were a thing—no more feeling sorry for myself. No more tears.
Especially not for Ram.
“It’s ok,” Ram grinned, kissing my gag. “Anger’s better.”
Movement behind him drew my attention as the blonde he’d pointed out at lunch the other day came into my view.
“Are you sure, Ram?” she asked in a comically petite voice.
Ram sat back and spanked her on the ass. “Yes, pumpkin. Inject her now.”
The girl didn’t hesitate. Before I could do anything, a needle pinched the skin at the base of my neck. I started hyperventilating, waiting to feel pain, but none came. Instead, a strange sense of euphoria spread over my body. My breathing slowed. I rocked on the chair, suddenly unsure why I denied my magic its release.
“Aphrodite,” Ram purred. “How are you feeling?”
“Ah-mazing,” I answered. Or would have if the gag hadn’t muffled my words.
One of Ram’s meaty hands pressed against my stiff nipple and pinched it. I moaned around the cloth, leaning into his touch.
“Very good, Lover.” Ram licked his lips. “Now, I’ve got two more shots for you.” He ran his hand down my waist and traced the junction of my hips. I’d not noticed how high up my skirt fell until he easily bypassed it and pressed two fingers against my soaked panties. “Already slick like the slut you are, Lover. We’ll make sure that’s only for me.”
Something pinched on my neck again. The world around Ram went fuzzy. My magic strained for release, looking for the pressure Ram offered me. I tried to jerk my hips forward, but the ropes tying me to the chair kept me away from the pressure his fingers offered. I grunted in frustration.
“Aggressive bitch, aren’t you?” Ram chuckled.
Something tugged at my memory, someone else saying something similar, but this person’s words gave me control over what I needed. They’d not held me back. I tried to call on my magic, but it didn’t come. It never did. No, that wasn’t right. It did now, just not in the same way.
Ram gripped my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes. “Stay with me, Lover. Don’t try to think too hard. I’ll do that for both of us.” His thumb caressed my lips. “Pumpkin took a drop of your blood and is finishing up your last shot right now. Once you’re physically bound to me and with the right drug combination, I’ll retrain you. It’ll be like it used to be. No more hard choices. No more judgment. I’ll be your everything.”
I nodded and leaned into his hand. Yes, everything had been better. I wanted my simple life back.
Something tugged at my heart. My magic changed directions and swirled unhappily. It wanted release, but not from the mage in front of me. I blinked at Ram’s smiling face. I didn’t want one person to be my everything. My easy life hadn’t been better.
The fuzziness settled as a faint song wandered into my thoughts. The melody exploded into a brilliant ruby red which danced around Professor Garnet’s face. A rainbow of color sparkled, washing him away, to reveal Saffron’s chiseled backside. He danced in a circle, the pale yellow melody running through his fingers like ribbon. As the ribbon neared its end, it turned into Ashe’s beard. Glowing with white, the Gentle Giant pulled the melody until it filled his hands.
I sucked in a breath. Beryl appeared, cupping Ashe’s hands and turning the ribbons of notes a sapphire blue. My vision zoomed in on Beryl’s glowing lost eyes. A pop released a wave of vertigo, cutting through the psychedelic colors and drugs.
Beryl. The mage who saved me over and over. Who took the fall for my faults without question and only wanted the best for me. He trusted me. He’d gone out of his way to save Mercedes because it was important to me – and now the MA had him. I couldn’t sit here.
My magic burned. I took a long, harsh breath.