Page 3 of Class Studies
The courage drugged Aphrodite had.
Like everything that night, I wouldn’t take back a word.
Professor Garnet turned the screen back on. “Why is there a picture of two of your scales on this very fancy tablet, Aphy?”
I looked toward Ashe.
Professor Garnet cupped my cheek, forcing my attention back on him.
We both stood there, our skin touching, waiting for my magic to transfer without my permission. It didn’t. Even looking into his ruby-red rimmed gaze, my magic stayed in me. I put my hand over his and leaned into his touch.
“Aphy.” His eyes softened. “I came here today because you said you were building something. No hiding, no rules, no guilt. just raw honesty.”
I nodded, rubbing my cheek against his palm.
“You were right,” he continued softly. “I didn’t realize it, but you were right. I teach because I can see the end of every connection I form. I don’t sit in a room, waiting to see who will show up and how long until they’re done with me. I make the rules in my classroom.” A frown pulled at his lips, and he withdrew his hand. “Saff and my relationship only exists during his allotted time as my apprentice. It’s what he needed to maintain his Aptitudes and keep his and Mercedes’ families happy.” He sighed. “At first, it was good enough for both of us, but that’s not been true for a while now.”
My heart raced.
“You terrify me.” The professor locked his gaze with mine. “The more I try to control you, the more pieces of you unravel in my fingers. Every new thread makes me fall deeper in love and more scared you’ll move on like everyone else.” Pain filled his eyes. “And that’s my raw honesty.”
My heart stopped. Love. He loved me.
He was changing his life for me.
I wanted to scream and tell him to run while tackling him to the floor and holding him forever. But I didn’t do either of those things. I froze like an idiot and blinked rapidly.
Professor Garnet’s features hardened. “Now, I’ll ask you again. Who gave you the tablet, and why is there a picture of your scales?”
I managed to look away from him and gather my thoughts. The anger in his question much easier to deal with than the word ‘love.’ My gaze moved to Ashe, but he stood impassive, watching this play out.
“Alchemist Blickenstaff,” I finally answered. “I hid my scales in her pantry, and, well, obviously, she found them….”
Professor Garnet stilled, his eyes unfocused as he thought. “You couldn’t have cut them out yourself.”
Don’t look at Ashe. The moment I said it to myself, I looked at him.
Professor Garnet blanched and turned. “You cut them off her?”
“Nothing else she was doing fucking helped.” Ashe scowled. “She’s already missing a patch of them. I put a tracking rune on both. If the same buyer picks up the new scale, there’s a chance we can figure out A’s origins.”
I spun to Ashe. “You did what?”
Ashe narrowed his eyes. “I’m not fuck’n repeating myself. You might not care where you came from, Kitten, but you’re a God damn powerhouse. My superiors are right on this one. What if you have siblings? What if someone stole you from parents who wanted you? Fuck, A. You’re so focused on the here and now.”
“I live in the here and now,” I cried. “I don’t even have a birth certificate. My DNA test didn’t turn up anything. There isn’t even a trail of bread crumbs to follow.”
Ashe’s eyes narrowed, his lips pinching at the corners.
I scowled at him. He knew something. There was more to the DNA test. I knew there was. I was too distraught at the time to ask. And I wasn’t in any better of a mindset now.
“Not everyone gets to know where they come from, and I’m okay with that.” I balled my hands into fists. “You’ve no concept of what it’s like to think about my past. I loved my abuser. Do you understand how confused that makes me? How does that even happen?” Tears welled in my eyes. I hated that Damon’s death still made me cry. “And he’s gone, and I’m here, picking my way through all of this.” The anger drained out of my voice. “When I think about him too hard, I stop functioning. So, I don’t think about him.”
Ashe faltered, his eyes softening, but I couldn’t look at him. I hugged myself as my past mixed with my fear of the word love. I didn’t want to control anyone, and I didn’t want to be controlled. Why was all of this so complicated?
Professor Garnet wrapped me in his long arms. “You’re here now, with me, with us.”
I pressed myself into his solid chest and listened to his heartbeat. The rhythmic pattern eased my emotions back into their place.