Page 45 of Class Studies
Saffron grimaced. “I don’t think I can fall any further, honestly.”
Doctor Roy snorted, slipping a second sandwich back into his desk. “It’s better to be seen than hiding here. Do take care, both of you.”
I bobbed my head while Saffron clamped his mouth shut and shoved his hands into his pockets. I wanted to ask why he was here, but I learned the best way to get information out of Saffron was to wait until he was ready to give it.
As we walked toward the cafeteria and I glanced at my phone. Ashe’s most recent text was an apology, letting me know Abe had done something to the tracking spell. It was taking longer than expected.
I sighed. There was no way Ashe would text Saffron to look after me. So Saffron was doing this on his own.
Stares and angry looks followed us into the packed cafeteria. Even the lady behind the counter hid all the macaroni and cheese before I got there. With our selections made, we sat across from each other at my usual table. I hadn’t taken a bite out of my sandwich before spiky-haired Cal stopped at Saffron’s shoulder.
“Dude,” he said. “Maybe wait until Mercedes is gone? She’s leaving, right? I mean, you two aren’t a thing anymore, and she was only here for you?”
As Cal spoke, I looked around the room. Mercedes scowled at me from Saffron’s old table with the rest of the Dealership and the other guy from the Martial Arts Coterie. I focused on my food.
Saffron picked up his Ruben and took a bite. Once he swallowed, he glanced at Cal. “The Howels are furious.” Saffron grimaced. “They’re on their way home to work with their lawyers to see if they can back out of the merger. More likely, they’ll try to restructure it in their favor. They’re not only mad at me, but also Mercy.” Saffron ran his fingers through his hair and pulled. “I’m sure she’s already told you all of this, and you’re looking for confirmation, but.” He took a deep breath. “They told her it was her fault. She lost control of me and didn’t conceive; they’re leaving her in here until the next Aptitudes or until their lawyers come up with a different solution.” Saffron’s eyebrow ticked. “She has two sisters, both primed to take her spot in the family. This isn’t my fight anymore. I can’t live in her happiness, no matter how much she needs it.”
Cal’s nostrils flared. “Shit, I want to support you, but that was cold. Not only what you did, but how you said it.”
I shook my head, willing Cal to shut up. Saffron so rarely admitted to his feelings, and it shouldn’t matter how he said it.
“And what about your Golem?” Cal narrowed his eyes. “And the rumors.”
“You know me. The rumors have twisted reality. I wouldn’t….” Saffron trailed off, squeezing his eyes shut before focusing on his sandwich. “As far as my situation. I have one more day to show them I’ve not made a mistake.”
“It’s more of a chance than Mercedes is getting.” Cal clenched his fist. “She didn’t invent something capable of destroying Rimmed Mages.”
“That isn’t its purpose!” Saffron hit the table with his fist. “Someone is setting me up. I’ve no idea who benefits from this, but right now, all my Golem does is look badass and save redheads from their own stupidity. He doesn’t work.” Saffron’s gaze bore into Cal before he scanned the students eavesdropping.
He scrubbed his hands through his hair, and his posture fell. “Look, Cal, I’m all my family has. They’re angry, and my dad threatened to disown me.” Saffron flicked his gaze to me. “But I told them about Aphy and her potential. They need to know she’s real, which means spending time with her in public.”
I took a bite of my cajun chicken sandwich to hide my scowl. My defense of Saffron’s earlier cold wording didn’t sit too well now he talked about me.
Saffron looked at Cal. “She’s meeting with them tonight.”
“I am?” I squeaked.
Saffron nodded. “The Director’s still working on it, so it’s not official, but….”
“I’m meeting your parents?” I dropped my sandwich, my mind racing.
“I’m feeling this isn’t a discussion I should be part of,” Cal said. He set his knuckled fist on the table, leaning toward the Greek God. “Look, Saff, we can’t welcome you back, but man, be careful. I know it’s tricky, but you can come across as really cold, and it’s not helping your cause right now.”
Saffron nodded as if he expected Cal’s words. After shaking his head, Cal stiffly turned and strode away.
My heart squeezed for Saffron, but my focus was not on their friendship. “We’re not even dating!” I said, lowering my voice. “I’ve been your piece on the side, on the side of the side, for months. What are you thinking?”
Saffron’s gaze darkened as Cal joined Mercedes. She gave Saffron a triumphant smile, and Saffron focused on me. “You were never my ‘piece on the side’ Aphy.”
I tore my gaze away from Mercedes.
Saffron’s rims glowed as he looked at me and only me. “The moment you came into our lives, you became our front and center. I’ve not slept with Mercedes since I met you.”
I snorted in disbelief.
Saffron studied me instead of arguing. I thought back to the few conversations I’d overheard of Mercedes saying she’d need to have sex to be pregnant.
I swallowed. “I’ve been with Ashe, Beryl, and Professor Garnet without you. Well, kinda Professor Garnet.”