Page 59 of Class Studies
A longing I never felt before squeezed my heart. I had no idea if I looked like my parents, and I would probably never find out.
“Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Aphrodite,” Saffron said formally. “Aphrodite, this is my father, Arthur, and my mother, Livvy.”
“It’s wonderful to meet you,” Livvy said in a rich alto.
She stepped away from the table to wrap me in a hug. I looked at Saffron, trying to figure out what to do. He leaned forward slightly, and I took it as a sign to hug the woman back.
Her face radiated with joy when she released me. “Saffron’s told us so much about you. Come sit.”
I tried to tug on my braid but combed through my loose hair. Ducking my head, I took a seat with Livvy on my right and Saffron on my left.
Arthur stared hard at Saffron. “How was your day, son?”
“It was good,” Saffron answered, straightening his silverware. “Classes are returning to normal. The support of the MA’s helping control the student body.”
I side-eyed Saffron as he continued blatantly lying to his dad about how good everything was and his active social life. Livvy drew runes in the air. A pitcher of water and a bottle of wine floated to the table. I tried to wave off the wine, but it was too late, and the white liquid filled up my glass.
“I’m sure it was hard on you to have your little club taken away from you,” Livvy added when their conversation ebbed.
Saffron shrugged, and his mom’s eyebrows furrowed.
“He’s already started a new one,” I blurted before thinking about what I was saying. “Mercedes focuses on working with beginners and Saffron’s working with Ashe to continue his advanced studies.”
Arthur raised an eyebrow. “Is Ashe the MA officer who was relieved of duty?”
Saffron scowled.
Livvy put her hands up. “You’re too quick to judge, Arthur. We don’t know the entire story, right, son?”
Saffron’s father picked up his wine and swirled the glass. “Your face will get stuck like that, boy, if you don’t stop scowling all the time.”
I wished I could beat my head against my plate for saying anything. Saffron found my hand under the table, and he laced our fingers together.
“Ashe is a good officer.” Saffron grimaced. “He’s honest and loyal. His loss of employment is temporary after an undercover assignment he never should’ve been given. With the recruiter from Global Tech here, I doubt he’ll go back to the MA.”
Saffron squeezed my hand, and I schooled my face. Ashe loved the MA, but if I didn’t know my Gentle Giant, I’d believe what Saffron said without a second thought.
And so did his parents.
Watching Saffron verbally spar with his father was like nothing I ever saw before. Where his body ducked and spun when he fought, his words did the same. He twisted together half-truths with current events and asked as many questions as he answered. As the conversation went on, I felt bad for his mother. She tended to ask questions about how he was feeling or what he liked, and both men brushed her off.
We interrupted our conversation to select our food options from the room next door. Both of Saffron’s parents grumbled about the lack of table service. Though I knew better now than to ask what that was.
Eventually, I’d consumed my Alfredo pasta, and the conversation slowed.
“So, Aphrodite, tell me about yourself,” Saffron’s mom said, sipping her wine.
I mimicked her, though the acidic white wasn’t quite to my taste. “Ah, there’s not much to tell.”
“Aphy’s humble.” Saffron squeezed my arm. “She’s already in all of my advanced classes. Alchemist Blickenstaff has even taken a liking to her and says she’s the best Alchemist to ever come to the Institute.”
Arthur shook his head. “That’s not saying much. This is a prison, not a prestigious institution.”
Saffron took a calming breath.
“It doesn’t feel like a prison to me,” I added, my cheeks flushed. “I didn’t have a lot of freedom before I came here, but here,” I smiled. “I can eat whatever I want, study whatever I want, and spend time with whomever I want.” I smiled at Saffron, taking his hand above the table. “The classes Doctor Roy teaches on moral philosophy are amazing.” I continued excitedly, looking at Livvy. “I didn’t realize how differently everyone communicates before our origami exercise—and watching Saffron talk to you. It’s honestly terrifying how well he blends what he wants you to know with what is. He’s amazing, though now I feel I need to pay more attention when we’re talking….”
I trailed off, realizing Saffron’s grip on my hand wasn’t a friendly squeeze anymore.