Page 90 of Class Studies
“Best choir concert ever,” Beryl mumbled, nuzzling my cheek. “I’m an amazing conductor.”
I fell asleep with a smile on my face and the sound of three men chuckling around me.
Chapter 17
I woke up the following day in the early light with Ashe’s arms wrapped around me. Snow blanketed my windows, and Beryl snored on my left.
Ashe nuzzled me, his beard tickling my cheek. “They didn’t fucking hurt you last night, did they?”
A yawn split my face, I stretched and blushed.
Ashe captured my arms before I could bump Beryl with my stretching and kissed down the side of my face. He ran his large warm hand down my side and hip before venturing further south.
I spread my legs allowing him to finger my clit. Last night, he removed himself from the equation, taking Saffron with him.
I giggled softly. “I don’t think you’re worried about me getting hurt.”
Ashe covered my mouth with his massive paw and nibbled the underside of my neck. The hand still fingering my clit worked up, and I moaned against his grip as my juices ran for him. Although I’d slept well, I hadn’t slept for long, and Ashe didn’t need to do much to get me ready to accommodate his size. He released my mouth to grab both my hips and slide into me, stretching my walls as he brushed my g-spot. I turned and bit my pillow to keep from moaning. Bliss became my world as he slid in and out, making my eyes water with pleasure.
I lost my pillow, a moan escaping my throat. Ashe ran his hand up my neck and gently nudged two fingers in my mouth, quieting me and giving me something to suck. As much as I wanted to call him on not wanting to share me, I let him have it, for now.
Our climax hit us at the same time, my body shuddering around his swelling erection as he held me close.
Beryl didn’t wake up. I smothered Ashe in another round of kisses before padding down to the washroom. Vac looked up at me from his spot in front of my door, and his lion’s tail rippled like a snake.
I did a quick look for Tanwyn but didn’t see the summoner. Only Saffron still snored on my couch, and I assumed Professor Garnet had gone back to his room.
My hot shower eased my muscles, and I took my time in it. When I turned off the water, I heard voices, and I quickly dressed. A storm of heated words and testosterone filled my space when I emerged.
Saffron scowled at Ashe. “Can’t you do that elsewhere?”
“Nope.” Ashe didn’t pause in his crazy jump push-up routine. “Maybe you should fucking join me and get some girth to your chest.”
Saffron gave Ashe a flat look. “I’m secure in my muscle mass, meathead.”
“Don’t let Boy Scout go in the washroom!” Beryl yelled down from above.
The mage came crashing down the stairs and sprinted for the facilities.
Ashe paused in his push-ups to laugh.
Saffron crossed his arms over his chest. “What?”
I grinned. “Maybe I should ask if there’s some way to get a second washroom.”
Ashe scowled at Saffron. “Maybe you shouldn’t take fucking thirty-minute showers. I almost pissed myself yesterday waiting.”
Saffron cocked his head to the side. “We’re working on—”
“Fucking zip it!” Ashe sent one of my books flying at Saffron’s head.
Saffron easily caught it and bit his lips together.
I shifted uncomfortably. “Ah, right.” Picking up my phone, I pressed the button to turn on the screen. Nothing happened. Right, I’d broken it in the restricted section. Everything that occurred yesterday collided at once, and my shoulders sagged under its weight.
A new box with all the supplies I ordered sat on my workstation. Slightly behind it sat the crumpled cardboard from my failed spell. Still covered in dried-on baby turtle bits, the bowl drew my attention, and tears sprang to my eyes.
Saffron noticed where I was looking. He rushed to the table, whisking the bowl to the sink and washing it. I thanked him, scrubbing away my tears, and fished my fancy tablet out of my bookbag. For once, looking at it didn’t fill me with dread but a vague sense of happiness.